Welp, there goes the internet, for Americans at least. Hello censorship, throttling, bundle pricing and domain blocking.
Look, as an American technophile and web services developer, it would be the best thing for us. Just turn the Internet off. It was a bad fucking idea. Force people to interact with the people around them instead of self-selecting their social circle.
The internet wasn’t a bad idea, we just somehow failed to see how letting billionaires seize the reins of a new global media empire could go badly - despite it being a story as old as time by now…
I guess it comes down to how much is manipulation of algorithms and how much is just human nature. I don’t know the answer to that but I’m feeling pretty cynical right now.
All the more reason to look at local mesh networking. Yeah you aren’t going to be streaming Netflix. But you will be able to access the services you need that require it.
local mesh networking
I think that most people want Internet connectivity, not just local connectivity.
Both can and are being done. Though it definitely requires more knowledge on an uplink node. The mesh is local. But there’s nothing saying you can’t connect to larger networks and even other local mesh via them. I had access to the Internet long before I ever had Internet access. It was very delayed and slow. Since it would often have to make several fidonet hops. But it worked.
I wonder how long it will be before the Amateur Radio (ham) spectrum allocations are deleted? After all, that allotment is a set-aside for the good of the public, and we can’t give handouts like that to the commoners any more. Loafers and degenerates, make them PAY for their bandwidth, make them earn it.
With enforcement deleted and existing public-use bands sold off to the highest-paying (or best-politically-connected) grifter, I hope high-power, not-exactly-legal mesh networks can get a foothold.
Thanks Trump.