The man just could not stop solving problems.
… I legit know folks at firaxis, I didn’t know this.
I’m gonna ask if it’s true lmaoo
It says he worked an an intern and it was several years ago. I know the meme is fun, but I highly doubt that if he were not under arrest that he’d have been working on Civ 7 UI.
okay see I was in favor of what he did but his politics were kind of incoherent so I couldn’t jump on the ‘idolize this man’ train.
I guess now I gotta.
What was inconsistent?
From what I gather, if the allegations are true, then Luigi never claimed to be knowledgeable enough to have solutions but recognized general issues.
This would, presumably, absolve him of inconsistencies since he didn’t claim to be the arbiter of truth or an expert.
This is a genuine question btw, I’m realizing I don’t really know much about the manifest or his views beyond health insurance companies being evil. So I’m curious to hear what you mean.
Unless his lawyer has stated he wrote the manifesto, we can assume it was planted.
Innocent until proven guilty
Innocent until proven guilty in a court of law, doesn’t track for public opinion, it’s the whole opinion part, but yeah we should give him some benefit of the doubt, he did us a solid.
The manifesto was out there, but not entirely incongruent with his … was it a substack? I read it off and it was quite old
We don’t know that the manifestio was his, but I’d say he had enough other stuff out there to say his views wained toward strange.
I was under the impression that he was a right-leaning crypto bro that saw a bad CEO and “solved the problem”. I don’t think he even considered the material conditions of capitalism or the fact that we’re in a class war. I think he was close though. Kind of like becoming a lefty without actually talking to any lefties.
In the manifesto I saw he basically apologized to the FBI for causing all the trouble. Letting them know that he acted alone.
He definitely wasn’t the type of person I would imagine a CEO killer to be.
In the manifesto I saw he basically apologized to the FBI for causing all the trouble.
That felt very out of place imho
he’s been working on fixing civilization all along
He’s like a real life, “most interesting man in the world”.
He also filmed hours of professional quality porn of himself (with partners).
I mean, dude clearly had a unique mind. Not necessarily smart or dumb, but something that made him tick also led him to commit (one of) the most popular acts of murder in American history.
There’s the news article. The source is one of his friends who claimed to know about the videos. But the videos aren’t public.