Bradley Bartell, a Trump voter from Wisconsin, started a GoFundMe to raise $3,000 for his wife Camila Muñoz’s bond after ICE detained her.
Muñoz, a Peruvian citizen, overstayed her work-study visa due to the pandemic and was seeking legal residency as Bartell’s spouse. She was arrested returning from a honeymoon in Puerto Rico.
Bartell continues to maintain that he does not regret voting for Trump.
Since Trump’s return to office, ICE has arrested over 90,000 immigrants.
Such a cringe line. The land of the free was declared over fifty years before slavery was abolished. America is a shithole.
Yes. We’re going to have to set feelings aside long enough to think carefully.
There’s a lot of thinking going on while the U.S. government strips the rights of Americans and endangers many lives globally.
What will putting feelings aside achieve? In order for me to stop being angry at what America is doing, I would have to stop giving a fuck about the atrocities of deporting legal residents who protest or the attempted erasure of the queer community or the genocides they support etc, etc.
Stupid fucks. Got what he deserved.
I’m not so sure she did, though. Honestly being deported might be better for her than being stuck married to this jackhole, as sad as that is to say.
Is there a r/leopards_ate_my_face here on Lemmy?
Nvm, I found it and this post is already there lol
Didn’t he just say he had no regrets about voting him in?
Never underestimate the amount of cognitive dissonance to be found in the average Trump supporter’s views. These are remarkably dumb people.
That’s doublethink. Cognitive dissonance is the discomfort you feel from it. Obviously, he feels none.
Damn that sucks if true. I really do feel bad for them, but like what is the point of me donating if he’s not going to speak out against this administration. Doesn’t he realize it’s not just about his situation, but for everyone else who’s also impacted by this? I rather give to another family that will not only use these funds to hopefully turn their situation around but also you know like then also give back/help others and speak out. To be honest I didn’t look into OP’s comment to fact check because you know I’m only human, busy and got problems of my own. If true though this is really sad …
Doesn’t he realize it’s not just about his situation, but for everyone else who’s also impacted by this?
Actually, no. Studies have shown that those who lean conservative tend to have a diminished ability to feel empathy. There’s a good chance that he simply cannot comprehend that others could be negatively affected by his actions. In his mind, he’s all that matters.