Doug: “Hey Vince you really know how to put the “D” in R&D”
Vince “Thisfugginguy, you used that joke last year ya dunce”
Doug: “And did it get a RISE outta ya then?”
Vince: “The balls on this guy! Go back to sellin boner pills, it’s whatcha good at.”
Donnie: “Alright, alright, adjourn?
Rest: “Adjurn”
Donnie: stumbles “Motherfuckers! Who tied my shoelaces to the swivel chair! Ya all fired!”
going by the packaging, you’d think those pills will make your junk explode. i was always curious to try one, but kind of scared ngl. guess i’ll wait until if/when i actually need the “help”
Would you rather.
a) get one trillion dollars.
b) get to sit in on one of those meetings.
Is that still a thing? Haven’t seen em at even the shadiest places around here.
Hi! Fellow BtB listener