That he had have lived, and you had died in his stead (now is a time for Faramir, captain of Gondor, to show his quality)
Everyone here is talking about the movies but I’ll say book wise The Hobbit is a great read. I’ve probably read it more than the LOTR trilogy
Except the Hobbit movies actually suck, and Faromir just isn’t Boromir. Couldn’t even die right.
The Hobbit clearly suffers from trying to force a 90 min movie into 8 hours. Someone on Lemmy mentioned that there was an edit (90 min, or 2 hrs maybe? ) that was fantastic. Haven’t seen it though.
Yeah, but you can’t magically make Tom Bombadil appear. Absolute travesty that you pull so much shit out of your ass but you don’t put in a character from the book (he is kinda meaningless, but it’s beside the point).
Hobbit the book is a fun, whimsical romp and a prelude to LOTR, while Hobbit the movie is a miserable exercise in corporate franchise milking. The two are not the same.
I just bought the extended Hobbit 4K blue ray collection….is this a time for the Hobbit to show its quality?
It’s not perfect but it has Dwarves singing about dragons gold, Bilbo and Gandalf I’m happy to spend a few hours in Middle Earth
Once I finish the LOTR rewatch of course.
Now that you have purchased hobbit media, I would suggest looking into some of the fan edits that remove a lot of the cruft.
Personally, I feel the Cardinal cut is a much better, more true to the novel, edit of the series.
I’m not a fan of the Hobbit movies nearly as much as LotR, but I do enjoy some of the scenes and recognize that if not for Peter Jackson we would have gotten either nothing at all, or someone other director’s version with pieced together parts of what had been done. I actually like Del Toro’s concept he was trying to do, but it was obviously too complex of a puzzle.