I am tidying and fixing up flaws in my model that informs plant maintenance.
Before I destroy 2-3 hours, does anyone here own a plant and would like an Arduino powered box that helps you keep your plant healthy?
Here is the old design (Top off) with flaws. I am currently going through my docs to see what went wrong.
Model name is GHG/GX-E38: GHG is project name (GreenHouseGas) GX-E38 is HEXA encoded model name.
What does keep you plant healthy imply? What does the box do exactly?
The box monitors temp/humidity and soil moisture and Beeps/Flashes to inform that the plant needs maintenance.
How does it differentiate low water demand succulents from high water plants?
Settings in the firmware. If OP was smart they would call a config file that they can then update as they go along, but if it’s a simple interface that may not be necessary
It’s probably a soil moisture sensor. I suspect for succulents you would probably want to add a timer to the sensor, but it seems like something you could automate.
I like the concept, here’s a few questions!
- What’s the form factor of your project?
- Will it be waterproof or just a housing for the electronics?
- Is it wall powered or battery?
I’ve been looking at setting up soil monitors for my garden, although I’m wanting them to report to Home Assistant. I’d prefer a Zigbee or Z-Wave monitor, but it seems bluetooth or rolling your own seems to be the way to go right now.
I don’t exacly know what you mean, but the (generic) Form Factor of this device is:
- Unimonitor. (Designed to monitor one plant. [Needs Changing])
- Extensible. (CC-BY-SA CAD source, GPLv3 code)
- Durable. (5mm thick wall, IP33)
The device is rain-resistant, but nothing fancy.
It’s wall powered.
It doesn’t use LAN/PAM. Instead, a local config and IR controller is used to modify paramaters. However, you could code this in.
Sould there be anything to change for the device?