When the business is pandering
“My” is a pronoun.
“My” is the first-person singular possessive pronoun in English. It fills the same role in a sentence as the pronouns “his” or “her” or “their”.
“This is my/his/her/their thing.”
I don’t see how it could be anything but a pronoun.
A pronoun replaces the noun. An adjective usually accompanies the noun, but it never replaces it.
“My house is there”. I’ve never heard anyone saying “My is there”. But I did hear saying “Mine is there”.
saying that yer afraid of pronouns because trans people use them is like saying yer afraid of cereal because some people eat raisin bran and you eat frosted flakes
Pronouns are played out.
I’m all about amateurnouns.
So I don’t know what “Mario is pronouns now” means, and I don’t want to feed a Search Engine to figure it out. Sounds like I don’t need to know!
The new voice actor for Mario and Luigi in the next game, Kevin Afghani, afaik a cis man has … drumroll please … he/him pronouns in his twitter bio. They’re literally whining about a cis man using male pronouns.
Hmm. That’s not a controversial as I was hoping for.
Nintendo isn’t being bold enough.