The dude is out of control.
… yet still in control of SCOTUS.
Then who exactly is supposed to be the check on the courts? Is that not precisely the domain of the legislative wing of govt? That’s like some basic civics shit.
There’s a key trick to evaluating statements by the republican justices… re-read anything they say from the lens of they are completely full of shit and have zero integrity.
These are not serious people. Don’t discuss them as if they are. Tell your own representatives that they need to act on this LOUDLY or they will lose your vote.
They have the power. They just don’t have the will.
I feel the supreme court is playing a game of fuck around and find out here. Hate to say it but supreme court ethics has pretty bipartisan support. These people are entrusted to be above that kind of behavior, but it’s already been shown that every member of the court has something to hide. If they’re not willing to self police themselves we will police them ourselves.
I mean, you should probably walk that back a bit.
The liberal justices surely aren’t vocal enough about the need for ethics oversight (likely because they’ve been threatened by other justices in the majority and told that if they stay aligned with the fascist judges on some of this that the judges will vote on the side of the actual merit of the cases for some of the “lesser” cases that come through the court".
There is no room for these blanket false equivalencies though.
Sorry but I think the whole of the supreme court is rotten to the core as it stands, and I think some ethics are in dire need. If you think the liberal justices aren’t getting kickback, sweetheart deals, or vacations from wealthy billionaires, you’re kidding yourself. They’re going to push back on ethics because it might expose the true scale of the corruption in the supreme court. So you can give them a pass if you want, but the whole point of lifetime appointment was to rise above politics and currying favor, and as I see it in my life time the supreme Court has done little to improve people’s lives, but corporations have benefited to a great deal. I don’t think for a moment I think Congress is any better they’re rotten too, but they at least have to report their gifts. Like I said the bear f****** minimum.
Show me where the liberal judges are getting kick backs please. Otherwise that’s all just nonsense speculation to make them look as bad as the actual corrupt republican ones are.