Idk why everyone acts like this would be some sort of travesty. If higher seating capacity through innovative cabine layouts bring down cost and carbon emissions per passenger, I’m all for it. I’m not flying for the experience but to get to my destination. If you all care so much about spacious seating, just book business class.
You don’t design for the flight; you design for the evacuation. We learned that the hard way decades ago. This looks like it forgot all those lessons paid for by people’s lives.
Then just add additional emergency exits to the plane. Except for a higher total number of passengers I don’t see how this layout would significantly slow down evacuation otherwise. Though I’m by no means an expert.
People’s legs being in that position would negate what is considered a safe evacuation. Modern regulations stipulate that you have 90 seconds to get everyone off the plane safely with 50% of the emergency exits blocked. That’s why you’re required to be seated completely upright with your feet on the floor during takeoff and landing. So you can stand up immediately if anything goes wrong and you need to evacuate.
This accident is one of the reasons why that rule exists. We forget these things:
“It was then, just 90 seconds after the plane came to a stop, that the entire passenger cabin exploded in flame. An unstoppable wall of fire swept forward from the back of the plane, consuming everything in its path, painting every window in brilliant orange. Firefighters tried to fight it, but there was nothing they could do. Captain Cameron, who jumped from the window just seconds before the explosion, would be the last to leave the plane alive.”
No, wait. This is actually not a bad idea.
Look closely. First of all there’s a rigid barrier between the lower and upper seat. That means that fart gasses won’t get through, unlike current seats where farts just spread everywhere around a person, so only the upper seats will be affected.
Second, the lady has her feet up, meaning she has enough leg room to do so. This is a big advantage because you can kick your feet up on your underseat baggage while you sleep or stretch your legs. It’s much better than the current layout where you can barely move at all.
No offense, but I think anyone with a negative opinion of this layout is wrong.
How so? You just push the seat back and get out, it’ll be about as much of an issue as a normal (very cramped) seat.
The lady isn’t choosing to “have her feet up,” she is essentially sitting on the floor and forced into the L shape by the rigid structure around her. There’s still incredibly little range of motion just like a regular seat, except now with the added danger of a much more difficult emergency evacuation, especially for people with limited mobility.
Also, I’m imagining that there isn’t a wall right in front of her face, as this angle suggests. But rather, there is a bit of a cavity tucked up under the top seat. Oh, yeah… found an image. It does still look a little claustrophobic in there.
Yea that dude looks thin and average height and uncomfortable. I’m 230 6ft with some muscle. I’m gonna feel like a sardine.
This is marketing meaning if this ever actually came to market (and it won’t) they would immediately begin adjusting it to reclaim even more room causing cramping with each new redesign. People are very easily conditioned so years after this became a thing and multiple redesigns later people would only just be beginning to realize it has already happened and even then nothing would change because the general public won’t do anything while a select few will complain and make no impact.
Honestly, you hook me up with an HMD, mouse, and keyboard and i would be down for it.
We’re getting dangerously close to how they packed the slaves in the cargo holds of ships for transport across the ocean.
Um… no? A voluntary half-day voyage in comfortable seats is not even nearly comparable to the inhuman horrors experienced on slave ships. There is absolutely nothing dangerous about this.
Im a huge fan of the 5th element strat. Slide me into a pod and render me unconcious with gas. It solves so many problems - entertaing self in flight, listening to the bodily functions of strangers, crying babies. Airlines would save millions on meals not served and stewards not serving them. It even solves security concerns, terrorists cant hijack a plane when they are unconcious and locked in a pod.
And if the worst happens, and the plane has a case of engine-rich-exhaust and is hurtling down into the freezing southern ocean, I really dont wanna know about it. Just let Posiden take me in my sleep.
The whole notion defeats the point. The extra passengers / profit will be negated by the larger fuselage and drag.
The 787 and 380 would like a word. Fuckin’ Dreamliner is already wider than most houses, with more headroom.