Is this a self-sealing stembolt?
Little kid me would have had lots of fun playing with that and imagining it was a spaceship.
To be honest, big adult me just had…
…but I had to continue to work. Adulthood sucks.
I’m a grown man and I still do this. Sometimes I’ll pick up my coffee, a plate of food or both and fly it like a plane or spaceship from it’s launch pad in the kitchen, maneuver through the dining room chair peaks, through the hallway mountains, down the canyon of couch and coffee table and carefully land on the end table landing pad.
There have been countless safe journeys but a few times I’ve run into engine trouble or turbulence or some other disturbance and I’ve lost my cargo or my ship fell out of the sky into a terrible crash … so much was lost :(
That’s Voyager. You can see Janeway smacking tuvix in the window. s5e3
Excuse me, it’s called the USA Entrepreneur. Get it right, pleb
I love those Borg cubes!