74 points
Removed by mod
6 points
49 points
16 points
39 points
Do I drink the verification can now?
34 points
Ngl if this actually happens im commiting anti corporate terrorism (for legal reasons this is a joke)
3 points
32 points
what is this shit? I warn you I need to know RIGHT NOW or im gonna cry
77 points
Basically, Sony owns a patent that forces you to say the brand name during a commercial break to end said commercial… it’s from 2019, and it understandably stirred up some controversy back then.
48 points
the patent is from 2009 https://patents.google.com/patent/US8246454B2/en
53 points
Important context is that companies often just patent shit in case one day it’s valuable. Yes IP is stupid, yes capitalism is evil.
16 points