I recently added a collar and bought some gold chains and whatnot to make it a bit more regal. Also, pardon the shitty photoshop.
No offense. But this just looks like digital art.
Not something that you bought/made and put on.
I was about to say, I would like to see behind the scenes of this costume. Not because I don’t believe OP, but because I love seeing how cool things are made and not just the perfectly manicured end products.
But then I went on their profile, and he delivers. This dude has some rather cool pics about this costume elsewhere.
Dude the progress on this costume has been fun to watch! It looks legit AF!!!
Can you post an unedited photo so we can see what it actually looks like?
This costume looks like it could’ve come straight out of Elden Ring. Only suggestion I’d give seeing the unedited photo is that i feel like the patina on the headpiece has a much starker contrast between the corroded green and the more copper-ish/bronz-y areas. I think if the bronze looked more dull and faded as well would probably blend a bit better.
Please don’t take that the wrong way, overall it’s still a kick ass costume, just some small thoughts i had that might help if you make anything else in this style down the road :)
Why is only this thread laggy?
This is sick.
Am I crazy or were you also posting updates to the pmw subreddit a few weeks ago?