Fucking how?
“Not guilty” doesn’t necessarily mean “innocent”. Often it just means “not confessing”, ie the prosecution has to go through the motions to prove he’s guilty.
LIke this:
Prosecutor: “The defendant is charged with murder.”
Judge: “How do you plead?”
Defendant: “Not guilty, your honor.”
Judge: “Okay, the trial will begin on…”
In the US justice system the defendant is presumed innocent until they either plead guilty or the prosecution proves that they are guilty. That’s just how it works.
Pleading is essentially asking the defendant, “did you do it?”
Edit for those who want to skip the comment chain:
“Did you do it?”
Yes == Guilty
No == Not Guilty
Neither == No contest
Not exactly. It’s more like asking the defendant, “Do we have to prove you are guilty, or are you going to save us the effort?”
You are free to answer “Not guilty” even if you did it. It doesn’t mean “I’m innocent”, it means “I’m not admitting guilt”. In other words, “Prove it”.
Conservatism is a plague of cruelty and death that is long overdue for a cure.
Please teach your children why it is inappropriate to keep relationships with conservatives.
Hoping for at least one racist in the jury.