Let’s move away from a car-centric society, please.
I live in a state where I don’t pump my own gas and I couldn’t possibly be laughing any harder at you all right now.
Ya I’ve seen videos of what the general public does when they are given “trust” to the gas pumps. No thanks.
In either case you get to stand outside in the wind and cold while you’re forced to pump your own gas. Have fun with that!
lmao this thread is cracking me up.
All those horror stories of self-pumped gas.
I really hope this isn’t the leading edge of a movement to install nanny pumps everywhere.
If you want to triple your time tanking gas because you have to ask an other human being to touch the pump, then wait awkwardly while they make boring small talk, go ahead.
By the time you get to the front desk, I’m already back on the road.
Wait, you guys don’t pump your own gas by default? Is this some American thing I’m too europoor to understand?
In some parts of New York you have to wait and have someone else pump your gas, they call them and attendant. I lived in New York for a while, and it was just terrible, any gas station that required you to wait for someone else to pump your gas I just drove past. Because they would always be slow as hell. Meanwhile it was a clear in and out at all of the self-service stations
I’ve almost never seen this in NY. It’s a jersey thing, and it’s stupid as fuck.
It depends on where you are in New York, I lived in Niskayuna for a while, most of them were self-service, but I had at least one or two telling me to get into a line and wait for someone to pump my gas for me. And I just left immediately, next door had the same number of pumps, but no line because it was an establishment that was fully self-service. Meanwhile the one that wanted me to wait in line only had one guy attending the pumps.
I imagine the closer you get to Jersey the more common it is
This meme isn’t implying that it’s unusual to pump your own gas. It’s implying that tipping culture in the US is progressing to the point of asking you to tip when you didn’t receive a service performed by anyone since you did it yourself.
Self service is the default for most of the US. New Jersey and (I think) Oregon require full service gas stations though.
Today I had lunch at a restaraunt, I was given the option to tip so I did, expecting to get service. I got the fast food treatment, they threw a tray on the counter that I had to pickup and when I went to leave they made me bus my own table…
I’ve got family that used to rely on tips so I’ve always been a generous tipper. The recent tip culture has completely changed me though and now these expected tips just piss me off.
Personally I’ll tip 10% or less if its an establishment that shouldn’t be asking for a tip, and 20% for an actual tipped profession. More ideally tipping will be phased out because these POS systems are letting it really get out of hand
In Mexico there are people working in the gas station, and it is up to you to tip or not, I usually only do it when they (unasked) clean my windows.
Same in Brazil - in fact, if you tried to pump your own gas the employee would probably get scared and call the cops lol
He isn’t complaining about having to pump his own gas. He is complaining about the gas station’s audacity to ask for a tip.
When the robots gain sentience y’all are gonna regret not tipping your gas pumps.
Don’t say I didn’t warn you.
my mom and gramma never pumped their own gas. grampa would never allow it (he had previously owned a gas station back when they were all full service ‘service stations’). i’ve never heard of tipping at a gas station. granted, this was well before the tipping-everywhere bullshit we have now.
Tipping is not customary in those states. Source: I live in one, and grew up by the border with the other.
Bonus fact, we can now pump our own gas in oregon… though they still have to have some pumps where you can’t. I don’t want to call those full service cause they aren’t, they call them mini service. Full service cleans your windows and such as well apparently.
This is tipping culture out of control.
Tipping culture is tipping culture out of control.
You should see the insane way it’s worshipped in the USA, all as an obviously thin front to avoid paying wages and giving workers rights. It’s wild.
Worshiped? What country do you live in? The biggest argument I see for it is ‘its absolutely bullshit but some jobs that’s almost all they make’
I don’t think I’ve ever, in my 41 years here, seen a single human being say it’s an amazing system.
You obviously haven’t been talking to servers that make $200 a night in cash tips they don’t pay taxes on. My fiancé works in marketing for a large winery, and some of the kids they would bring in to work the restaurant would be making tons of money from it. Those are the people who love it
You’ve never gotten into an argument with someone who says they tip their mechanic and doctor and thinks everybody should do the same?
There absolutely are people in the US who believe that everybody you interact with as a customer should be tipped because they believe all the propaganda from the likes of Readers Digest and Wall Street Journal. They believe everybody must be tipped because covid and “How are those jobs any different from being a server? It’s a SERVICE!” It’s beyond ridiculous. I worked in retail and food service (not tipped) for a long time and would have been embarrassed to have to resort to begging for tips.
Tip culture worship is real. I’ve run into plenty of people online and offline who think that tips should be mandatory everywhere, of all walks of life.
there’s a great citations needed episode on the shitty origins of it and the shitty circumstances it creates: https://soundcloud.com/citationsneeded/ep-118-the-snitch-economy-how-tipping-and-rating-systems-pit-working-people-against-each-other
Waiting tables. Bartending. Hospitality, food delivery, beauty salons, rideshare driving. The service industry, as anyone who has worked in it knows all too well, is notorious for relying on tipping to undercut employee wages and deputize individual customers to determine how much money a worker should be able to take home. Amid increasing recognition of these injustices, a number of campaigns and new laws surfaced, pre-pandemic, to abolish or meaningfully reduce the practice of tipping.
But despite the best efforts of these campaigns, tipping remains the industry - and American society - standard. Indeed, the perverse logic of tipping has broadened into an ever-present ‘snitch economy’ - an ecosystem of tactics like mystery shoppers and Uber and Yelp rating systems designed to police the behavior of workers while outsourcing the costs of said supervision to customers and other workers.
In the process, our snitch economy pits those being surveilled against those doing the watching, and the judging. Through a ubiquitous public-facing network of rating and reviewing other people’s labor - and often the behavioral disposition they exhibit while working - people with otherwise very little power are elevated to temporary positions of authority over others, fostering a culture of surveillance rather than one of solidarity. The snitch economy serves the dual purpose of not only giving working people a false sense of power when they’re the ones being served, but also reducing millions of human interactions to opportunities for not only snap judgments, but subjective rewards and retribution.