The creators of SponsorBlock did it again, now we can crowdsource better titles and thumbnails as well. I just tried it with LinusTechTips who is a worst offender when it comes to clickbait and its really great.
Compare without DeArrow
and with the extension
Honestly I’d probably be the type to be like “yeah I hate click bait!” Download this, and then stop watching videos entirely because they all look really boring
I’ve already noticed a couple videos where the corrected title made me more interested in the video than the clickbait title. Hope this extension takes off!
Holy shit! This is amazing! But how will I ever know what’s REALLY IMPORTANT without ALL CAPS and a shitton of BANGS?!?!?!?!?!?!?
I’m loving this and have contributed a bunch already, but one problem I’m noticing is people labeling things “reviews” on videos that are definitely not reviews, like impressions videos or unboxings.
That seems cool. I’ll definitely try that out, thanks for sharing!
Already using sponsor block and that saved me quite a bit of time!