Serious answer: it’s a drug that the Jem Hadar warriors had a dependability on, due to their genetic engineering by the Dominion.
From Deep Space 9.
without any spoilers (at last season of VOY), is there any reason why /c/risa just got filled up to the brim with white ketracel in just one night? 😆
I think the answer is that the community is awesome. So many people want to contribute so when there’s a joke template that people can run with, it takes off.
In this case, everyone gets the basic idea (drugs are bad mmmmkay) and can find all sorts of fun examples. (Personally, I know Star Trek half as well as most folks here but even I could come up with something kinda worth a small nose exhale.) So, off to the K White we went!
Let’s not make that fucking douche a meme, his dumb face is plastered around enough
The only fascist cunt I want to see here is Dukat :-P
This actual real life monster of a human being can feck off :-(