I quit drinking in my 30s, it was interfering with my Ketracel White addiction and had to go.
What it is literally named root BEER.
I’m with Nog. Give me root beer instead of regular beer.
And a large dose of ketracel white, obviously.
I’ve heard it tastes like toothpaste. Never tasted sassafras or zarzaparrilla in my life. What is it like?
It’s just really sweet. Too sweet for me. The root flavor is hard to describe really, I can understand the toothpaste comparison, but I wouldn’t say it tastes like toothpaste.
I come from a country that uses artificial mint taste for toothpaste. That’s what I have associated with toothpaste. But I know other countries have other flavors too (like spearmint and such), which taste very different. We also have Malta which is extremely sweet non alcoholic malt beverage. The taste is not strong but I associate it with overly sweet drinks.
Draw a triangle.
In one corner put Coca Cola, in another cotton candy, and in the third liquorice.
Root beer tastes like the point in the middle, maybe slightly towards cotton candy and away from liquorice.
Garak : It’s insidious!
Quark : Just like the Federation