Recently I finished Asimov’s Foundation universe and now I want to try something from other authors. Two series I’m most interested in are Dune and Hyperion but I’m not sure which one to read first. Any recommendations?
Edit: I decided to go with Hyperion first and after that I will read Dune. Thank you all for commenting.
Hyperion, then Dune. Hyperion is really awesome but its gonna pale in comparison to Dune, IMO
I agree with this. They are two entirely different kinds of books, but anything pales in comparison to the Dune series.
Dune is my pick. I’ve read both and I’ve gone back to dune time and time again but only read Hyperion the once. Just my personal preference. Both were amazing but for me dune had better reread value.
Hyperion is a bit uneven, but I wouldn’t call it dense. It’s deliberately exploring different literary genres, some more successfully than others, but I’d never call it difficult reading. Dune can be a real slog at time and there are parts when I’m not even clear who’s saying what.
Dune over Hyperion all day. But you should really read A Deepness in the Sky. Everyone should.
Vinge’s other one, “A Fire Upon the Deep”, is also a fun thought experiment.