“Exotic” meat’s meaning animals besides the “normal” ones, are generally not great. They are novel, but the quality of the meat is low since normally the quantity of that kind of meat is low. Also there is a reason the meat is “exotic” in the first place. If it were particularly good, it would be mass produced since you can grow meat in a lot of places and the costs don’t really vary that much.
I’d say if you want “exotic” meat, as in high quality beef or whatever, go for it. If you want "exotic’ meat like elephant meat or something like that, it’s not worthwhile.
You are leading to the fact that initially the choice for the mass food industry was the choice of duck or chicken, the choice of chicken… That’s how it happened.
Duck isn’t really exotic though. At many super markets you can get duck meat just like you would chicken, and duck eggs. I’d say duck is also mass produced, just obviously not as much as chicken.
When I served in the King’s African Rifles, the local Zambezi tribesman called human flesh “long pig.”
Never much cared for it.
I don’t eat meat because I’m not a murderer or a cannibal.
I’m a vegetarian myself, but I don’t judge. Evolutionarily speaking, without humans eating meat, there was no way for humans to spread across the globe. We don’t need to eat meat now, but that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t eat meat ever. I’m against the meat industry and their horrible animal abuse practices though.
Dragonfruit meat. Why are so many people here pretending it’s normal to interpret this as being about animal corpses???
it’s the english word for animal flesh eaten as food
if you ask “is there any meat in this” you are not asking about dragonfruit
Moose and reindeer.