Get some damn hobbies! Does she just sit in a chair with a blank face while listening to podcasts? Auditory media is meant to supplement another activity no wonder shes so damm bored
That is a very odd take on auditory media, from my perspective. Do you not focus on music or podcasts you listen to? Are you always doing something else?
As with most things, it depends. I could listen to an audiobook while working out but not while programming. I could listen to instrumental music while reading a book, but I couldn’t focus with a vocal track included. Some podcasts might require you to listen to every word while others may only require you to feel the overall topic.
Auditory media is meant to supplement another activity no wonder shes so damm bored
Casual listening is not the same thing as listening to a music as a hobby. Hobbyists like myself will listen to an album without doing anything else. It’s definitely not “meant” to be a secondary activity. No shade of that’s how you listen, though.
“Bored” pisses me off. There’s too much to do, to learn, to experience to be fucking bored. I mean, unless you’re stuck at work or some shit.
I am bored and I have plenty to do, the bigger selection makes it impossible to choose and then I do not choose.
In the words of Neil Peart, “If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice.”
Work on making a better one.
There may be too much to be bored, but there’s just the right amount and more to be habitually depressed!
Speaking from experience depression has the power to render everything you used to find passion and joy in utterly unenjoyable. It sucks, and you get bored, and then you feel bad that you are bored and not doing the things you are supposed to enjoy. Have some empathy for those of us struggling :)
That’s the point isn’t it? If we’re unlucky much of our life might revolve around going to work and doing maintenance around going to work and sleeping. Now I agree that anyone in that position probably has a choice they could make to free up their life but it’s quite a feat of will power to do it. There are also people in this cycle that have started families and don’t have much freedom.
There is but all of it takes MONEY!! and TIME!!!. And i don’t have enough alcohol around me to not be bored. Best I can do is video games(I’m lucky to have a laptop).
If you have a laptop that can play video games, there is so much else you can do. Not that there’s anything wrong with video games. Video games are awesome.
I can, learned to use Linux. Learning python now. But I was talking about real world things like camping, and going on trips, watching snowfall(I’ve never seen snowfall), going to the beach or the zoo. You can only spend so much time in the virtual world, but the real world takes money and time.
gaming is great (I usually play an hour or 2 a day) but break it up a bit. maybe do an online micro credential, you can normally find free short courses. learn a language (easy to do for free if you have internet and some time). learn a new skill. learn design so you can put the laptop to work. and every now and then, when gaming burns you out, learning is too much and you literally have no chance to do anything else, sit under a tree for a little bit. yes, even at night. it’ll help
Damn… what in the younger-millenial hell is this take?
Maybe drop the entitlement and stop passively waiting for someone else to provide some meaning and purpose to your life. Read a book, take a walk in a park, adopt a pet, learn to cook, play a board game with a friend, smoke a joint and watch the sun set.
I get that it’s probably supposed to be some generic “capitalism is ruining the world” sentiment, but this person just sounds insufferable.
Didn’t you know? Being sad didn’t exist before millennials came and ruined being happy, like everything else!
Read a book
They closed the library cause it didn’t make any money
take a walk in a park
The animals all left the park due to habitat loss and the air in the park isn’t safe to breathe
adopt a pet
One income isn’t enough to pay for pets anymore, and two incomes means the pets are neglected
learn to cook
The family owned grocery store went bankrupt due to inflation, now you can only get food from the McDonald’s and the gas station
play a board game with a friend
Most people don’t have friends anymore, it’s a well documented phenomenon. Probably caused by capitalism
smoke a joint and watch the sun set.
Cops will throw you in prison for it
All those things combined doesn’t make up for all the bullshit we have to endure to afford to do that.
And no matter what our bodies still rot and die, and your brain isn’t getting backed up to “the cloud” either so might as well have never existed in the first place is a valid sentiment.
If you’re bored then you’re boring
Bordem is not the same thing as depression. And, ironically, that equivocation actually does play down depression.