Sounds like he’s trying to recreate North Korea.
> sees fascist reactionary right-wing bullshit
> “wow this is just like the socialist strawman I don’t know anything about”
libs, man…
Yes, and it’s kind of ridiculous that people believe literally anything negative if they put “North Korea” in it.
Pretty sure North Korea has equivalents to those ministries. Somalia is probably a closer approximation of where this is going.
Despite all its failings, North Korea has quite a high literacy rate. People be getting educated.
90% of the curriculum is probably Juche slogans, but hey, they’re getting educated. /s
I know a few Argentinians and since I live in Chile I know a lot about what’s going on there. They have a lot of useless ministers for almost everything, at this point the previous government could have easily added the ‘ministry of non-important matters’ Their state manages the education really bad, many Argentinians complain about that, all those things managed by the state work really bad and are fueled by taxes. I agree that Milei’s ideas are crazy, but seeing the options in Argentina, he was the less bad option there.
Imagine a state sucking almost every currency from every citizen just to fuel useless state institutions. I hope Argentina will recover with this change.
As an Argentinian living abroad and having left the country for how unbearable it was, I can tell you it’s true. I’m not saying some of those things aren’t important, but Argentina’s Government is like a crackhead. You give it some money and expenditure capabilities, and the next thing you know is at the shadiest dealer, buying as much of the worst stuff.
You need to cut the vicious cycle somewhere. Unfortunately for Argentina, that place is Welfare State.
Right, because that worked great for Brazil, right? No, wait, the 6 years of rightwing “cuts” actually devalued the Real by 50%.
imagine making a post based on a twitter screencap about something someone not living in argentina has no idea how it is here and exactly is the proposal and not knowing the current state of affairs of argentina in general an in particular the state of the public education
you are jumping to conclusions to that confirm your own uninformed (at best or ill informed at worst) bias
source? Soy argentino y vivo en CABA.
He’s a libertarian. So he wants to abolish the state. This is expected.that doesnt mean he wants to turn it into a dictatorship nor does it mean he is a big bad nazi facist far from it your free to read up on libertarianism ill post a wikipedia article in the comment below. He’s also trying cut back on unnecessary government spending and get rid of goverment institutions. I personally just think milei might just be off his rockers as said he might be a good competent leader who knows hes only been in office for abouts a week if he isnt then i will eat my words woop de doo.
Libertarianism is essentially putting it as simply as I can is where a state or plot of land may split into little self governing microstates
No libertarian can be a good leader because they have no idea how governing works. Their whole thing is to let business do whatever the fuck they want
Libertarianism will always quickly devolve into authoritarian corporatocracy. Basically they support the law of the jungle, i.e. the strong can do whatever they want to the weak. Which is textbook fascism.
Maybe. Maybe not I haven’t done much research into libertarianism. So I haven’t got a big opinion on it like most lemmy users I personally believe in welfare-captialism but unlike all most lemmy users im not like the other girls im special pumpkin spice latee
but I also hold some other beliefs such as freedom of speech, freedom of expression, freedom of the press, and freedom of assembly oh and Castle doctrine
He’s not in office yet. He will be sworn in in December I believe.
Libertarianism is simply a scam trying to make the rich even richer. If there’s no public education it will be substituted by private schools. People will pay more, rich people will get richer. The whole idea is basically rich people looking and public services and infrastructure and thinking “this could be way more profitable if I run it”. Of course the point for public services is not to turn profit, it’s to provide services to as many people as possible in a cost effective way.
Imho. They are not voting based on those facts. They voted for him because he said the things they want to hear. Nothing to do with the truth; you’re not being kept down by billionaires, it is those (wink) people….
No one who thought about it ever thought trump would build that wall and Mexico would pay for it; but people scared of MS-13 being active in their podunk town rallied around him for saying that
Argentinian here, they voted for him because they believe these ministries are overly burdened with corruption, meaning all the money gets embezzled and the ministries don’t actually function. Massa, the opposing candidate, minister of economy had an 150% increase in inflation during his tenure. Lastly, they don’t think it can get much worse so why not try something different
Are you sure it’s not because everyone is stupid and/or a bad person? Like, extra sure?
Also, especially in Argentina’s case, because the other guys are literally the worst. ¹
¹ Except that this guy is somehow even more worst. But hey, at least it’s new ² worst.
² It’s not really new. Just the same old fascism ³, with a new shiny coat of paint. ⁴
³ Except somehow even more stupid and irrational than ever before.
⁴ It’s not really paint. ⁵
⁵ Shit. It’s shit. Brightly coloured shit, because of all the blood and other bodily fluids mixed in.