Some choice quotes from the article:
[S]pent leaves that flutter to the ground aren’t a waste product. They are rich in carbon and play an essential role for the tree and the ecology it supports.
The leaves act as a physical barrier for soil, keeping it and its many microbes insulated, and also for the tree roots, as the wet mats of autumn leaves shelter the fragile top layer from the drying winds.
Many, many things live in these dead leaf layers: caterpillars of moths and butterflies, their chrysalises, beetles, centipedes, springtails, woodlice and spiders … and doesn’t the blackbird know it, rustling through the leaves?
No one loves wet autumn leaves more than earthworms, though. Sensing one of their favourite things, they start to work on incorporating them into the soil. Earthworms line their homes with autumn leaves, using them for bedding and then, because they are good housekeepers, they eat them as they break down.
Leave the leaves be: they are not a mess, a waste or a hindrance – they are life and vital with it.
If you must rake them up because they make the path to your front door too slippery or they have coated the lawn, then return them to the tree. Rake them back up to the base of the tree, tamp them down a little and leave them alone
This is a common mistake that gets repeated, but trees don’t have the same uptake capabilities at their base as they do at their dripline - the space directly beneath the outer edges of their canopy. Here’s a quick explanation of the types of tree roots and their functions for those interested in learning a little more about it. The best place for the leaves, from the tree’s perspective, is at the dripline and tapering to their base. That’s where the majority of fine roots that are best at taking in nutrients are located.
That’s not to say there isn’t a value to gathering them in the way mentioned by the article, particularly if usable space is limited and that area is used for activities. What’s important is fostering the local ecology in a way that makes your appreciation of the space, and thus your stewardship of it, grow.
I think you linked to the wrong page; that one’s about the different types of roots and root systems.
I’ve gone and edited my comment for better clarity, but the linked page shows a good representation of the types of tree roots and their spacing relative to the canopy, with the functions they perform for the tree listed below. You’ll notice that the fine roots, which can grow from each other type of root, are most prevalent in the uppermost soil profile and towards the extremities of the lateral roots. The bulk of nutrient and water exchange happens in this zone, sometimes extending 1.5 - 4x the diameter of the tree’s canopy.
I’ve never raked my yard once ever
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Large, soft leaves are hard to protect in the winter weather, so the trees evolved to lose them, but not their valuable resources.
The greens of chlorophyll go first, then the yellows of the xanthonoids, and then the orange carotenoids, until all that is left is brown – at which point the tree lets its foliage go.
Many, many things live in these dead leaf layers: caterpillars of moths and butterflies, their chrysalises, beetles, centipedes, springtails, woodlice and spiders … and doesn’t the blackbird know it, rustling through the leaves?
Earthworms line their homes with autumn leaves, using them for bedding and then, because they are good housekeepers, they eat them as they break down.
If you must rake them up because they make the path to your front door too slippery or they have coated the lawn, then return them to the tree.
Rake up the leaves, pile them up in a chicken wire cage or old compost bags with a few extra holes in them (the fungi that break them down need plenty of oxygen) and rot them down for a season or two.
Saved 71% of original text.
Well, if there is one thing I expect I will not be able to convince my parents of: This.
If I don’t, they come over and do it for me when I’m not looking. Same for pulling weeds and trimming my plants way too short and into sterile shapes. I fucking hate it.
The neighbours complain to the city if I don’t and last time I had to pay a $180 fine 😩
That’s awful. I obviously don’t know your situation but is there a conservation group in your region that does “certified wildlife habitat” signs or other programs that could provide you with something that looks official? Could you add a few elements to that area to make it seem more intentional to those neighbors?
I looked for those signs but we live fairly rurally so we’re lucky we even have an SPCA haha
Usually I mulch mow my leaves. This year I just left them whole. We’ll see come spring how much the anti-leaf doomsayers are correct or not. “It can kill grass!” they say. Well, I’m not trying to make my yard look like a golf course in the first place, so maybe let’s start there.
It definitely can kill grass if you have enough trees and therefore leaves. I still have a few dead spots from the leaves I missed last year. I do basic maintenance and care for my yard and it’s thicker and more lush than neighbors who go full tilt. Part of that maintenance is making sure the leaves don’t kill the grass. I did one round of mowing the leaves and when I could finally get around to clearing the rest that dropped instead of mowing I blew it all into the storm ditch.
I have a major problem with the idea of bagging it up and sending it somewhere else, but, you do need to get the leaves off of any grass that you want to survive and grow. Maybe you don’t care about having grass, that’s cool but for the umpteenth time here just so I get it across, leaves can and will kill grass.
It will be interesting. I cannot envision how leaving several inches of leaves on the lawn is a good idea. Leaving a lot of property just natural though. That may make sense.
Depending on how wind interacts with the location, many leaves are likely to end up congregating at boundaries like fences or walls or around taller garden elements like herbaceous perennials, shrubs, and trees. Smaller parcels with large canopy trees may run into this problem, but the aforementioned pattern plays out in our ⅒ acre poultry yard with several large deciduous trees overhead.
I think “several inches” is a bit overwrought. It’s like one layer of leaves that will be mulched up the instant I mow next spring. And what is a “good idea”? What’s going to happen? Some grass might die. Oh noes, the world will end!
We need to rethink how we live in all respects. And not depleting lawns of nutrients that we have to replace with artificial fertilizer is part of that
We recently got a chip drop and cardboard/mulched the entire yard in prep for a more food and natives oriented lawn (and to kill the grass). The neighbors and family are incredulous, but the enormous earthworms we keep finding seem to enjoy it. When the leaves started falling we started mixing them with the mulch, even asked some neighbors for their bagged leaves.
I think they’ll understand better when it starts taking shape. And anyway, it’s not their lawn, who cares!
You need to add that to the previous comment. You sounded like a loon who thought that leaves wouldn’t do any damage if left on top of the grass to smother them. You will lose some grass and depending on how many leaves as well the temp and amount of rainfall, you could end up with a ton of dead grass. I cleared my leaves as soon as I could after they fell.
But you’ll be “the weird neighbor” if you don’t have perfectly green, trimmed and clean lawn!
I’ve actually realised the same… A month ago, I’ve bought thousands of flower seeds and just seeded my whole lawn and told my housemate to stop mowing.
Front lawn is already full of small flowers (and in another month, hoping by mid summer), since I went overboard, hoping they’ve overtaken all the grass.
Also, planning to seed bomb the nature strips around me lol… Going to buy up 20 packets or more of random seeds and sprinkle them around my block
Make sure the seeds you buy are for local varieties of plants! Local grasses, flowers, trees, bushes, even so called weeds as long as they’re native to the area! Weeds aren’t real, we made it up; there is only native and invasive. All plants serve a purpose in their natural habitat!