I almost always read in the news/press that dentists recommend to brush teeth two times a day for 2-3 minutes.
This drives me crazy, because it does not make sense; The point for dental health is to systematical clean every surface of your teeth twice a day (and use inter-dental brushes/floss once a day). For me, brushing my teeth takes around 6 minutes, if I hurry up. For someone faster it might be possible in 1 minute.
So, why do dentists always give the 2-3 minutes recommendation?
i find it inconvenient to do that every day, so i brush once a month for 2 hours.
I think it’s an average estimate, not a hard rule.
The exact time doesn’t matter, but it’s an approximate reference for how long you could aim for
- some people don’t brush enough
- some people brush too much (harms enamel and damages gums)
In a sense, I guess op is right though — I recently read that ~70% of people in a study were brushing ineffectively, no matter how long they were told to brush. Their brushing only improved after being told to make sure to brush every every “sector” of their teeth.
When I was growing up they used to say “brush after every meal” and then it became three times per day, now it’s “please just brush twice at some point”.
I also got the ‘brush after every contact with sugar’ thingy.
The common agreement nowadays seems to be twice a day and the points are very clear: before you go to bed and soon after getting up in the morning, to bring some fluid to the nasty bacteria, remove their food and plaque from your teeth.
My electric toothbrush does 30 seconds per quadrant, 2 minutes total. I’m 38 have zero cavities and my teeth are fine. I only brush once a day.
There’s other factors than just brushing your teeth but brushing is probably the easiest factor that most people can reasonably take control of.
Genetics, obviously you can’t do much about. But you can avoid sweets and decide not to get pregnant (hormonal changes during pregnancy can cause mouths to get more acidic and make plaque harder to remove, and can also soften the gums and bones that hold teeth in, or even weaken the teeth directly). Also, if you want nice teeth, it’s especially important to abstain from smoking crystal meth. And that’s even more important during pregnancy.
But telling everybody “brush twice a day for two minutes” is a small ask with huge returns.
I’ve always brushed my teeth twice a day and I’ve had like 6-8 cavities, a root canal, and an implant. There’s more to it than brushing. Some of it is biological.
Do you drink a lot of sugary drinks? Haven’t had a cavity since I quit drinking (non-sugar free) sodas.
What kind of toothpaste do you use? Do you floss, or use a fluoride mouthwash?
The whole point is to not leave starches/sugars in places long enough for a biofilm of plaque to form.
The problem is, teeth are poorly shaped to clean and the interface of the gums is down right hard to get to.
So what they’re trying to do is to get you to clean often enough that you manage to get some of the hard to get areas covered but not so often that you’re sanding the enamel of your teeth.
Because it should take you about 2 minutes to brush your teeth.
If you’re actually brushing for 6 minutes straight, you’re overdoing it and damaging your enamel and gums.
Brush gently, floss thoroughly.
Seriously, I have no idea how one could brush teeth in 2 minutes. I brush gently, use the simple swipe away from the gum technique and just work systematic chewing surfaces, inner surfaces, outer surfaces. Each part gets 2-3 swipes. I had a professional dental cleaner teach this technique to me, and she also told me that she couldn’t finish within 3 minutes. (Do not misunderstand me; I would happily get away with 2 minutes.) BTW flossing is another interesting topic, AFAIK there is no study which can show that flossing helps your teeth/gum. (I floss daily, but I just cannot understand why there is no study which supports this practice.)
I only floss when I can’t get something out from my teeth, but I hate the feeling of things in my teeth so I often take a drink of water and aggressively rinse and like force the water through my teeth. Never had any dental issues, so 🤷
Wait, so the summary states clearly, that a.) flossing is effective b.) mouth rinsing is more effective?!? It seems to good to be true, why does not every producer of mouth rinsing make advertisement with this? I also always ask my dentists about tips for dental hygiene, and none every recommend mouth rinsing. (Germany)
No, it’s not. I have never brushed my teeth too hard and have always used very soft toothbrushes, but I used to brush for 6-7 minutes, and my gums have suffered for it. Way too much of my teeth are now exposed, which is both ugly and causes sensitivity.
In the long run, if one keeps this up, teeth will start falling out.
Don’t overbrush.