Saudi Arabia is driving a huge global investment plan to create demand for its oil and gas in developing countries, an undercover investigation has revealed. Critics said the plan was designed to get countries “hooked on its harmful products”.
Little was known about the oil demand sustainability programme (ODSP) but the investigation obtained detailed information on plans to drive up the use of fossil fuel-powered cars, buses and planes in Africa and elsewhere, as rich countries increasingly switch to clean energy.
And what about the other companies in that vertical? Do they get a pass too?
Great, we have the “what about X” comment. Now we just need “China pollutes more than US” and “I can’t buy an EV because I drive 10.000 miles a day” comment and we can close this thread.
What about the ‘building new cars is bad for the environment’, ‘EVs are expensive’, ‘I’d rather use a bike’, or ‘I’d prefer the government invested in affordable public transport, rather than subsidize the upper middle-class in buying an overpowered status symbol produced by a company run by an anti-semite’ argument?
The only thing that will meaningfully drive people away from fossil fuels is cheaper, greener alternatives. The lack of investment in the West into making affordable options is leaving the door wide open for big oil producers… You can’t deny a country their opportunity to develop, improve living standards, and pull people out of poverty for some nebulous “greater good” while you, with your brand new Tesla and brand new iPhone flying across the country in business on a brand new Boeing 787, talk about switching to clean energy. You need to make clean energy the economical choice in the first place.
Solar is dropping in cost so fast and production is increasing so rapidly that in tandem with available modern connectivity/tech tutorials, I think the practical appeal of sustainable energy will outstrip corporate greed and national conspiracies of the sort mentioned in this article.
practical appeal of sustainable energy will outstrip corporate greed
Nah it’ll just migrate to the battery manufacturers
What do you mean?
Battery manufacturers have as much to gain as anybody else from sustainable energy.
I reallllllly want solar. I have enough roof space that I think it might be entirely possible to offset my monthly usage and then some with the right investment.
Unfortunately, some 3000+ kW/mo costs me ~$170/mo and currently the best solar I could price out was going to run me quadruple that at best, with concessions.
I’m fine if it was…say…double the cost, but at the moment it just doesn’t make financial sense.
Problem is…it comes down to timing and then it just feels like trying to time the stock market. I suppose I’ll just do it one of these days…
Well move to Europe then. 3000kWh will usually cost you (depending on the country) somewhere between $500 and $1500.
Is electricity subsidized where you live or something like that?
Been actually considering it!
I don’t know. I live in a relatively rural area. The electricity is quasi-municipal. I know it was 2.5x higher when I lived closer to Portland, OR.
Solar surplus depots is what you want.
The solar surplus stores remove “old” large installations from warehouses or universities and replace them with the newest panels, clean and check the solar panels they removed,put them in their warehouse, and then you can buy these three-year-old panels that still have near 100% efficiency for half the price at maximum, and usually cheaper.
I covered the roof of an RV with 200 watt panels that were $30 each and all five panels are still working today.
150 for 5 panels, 200 for a new inverter, 120 or so for the charge controller, a couple batteries and the RV had 1000kW for about $700 for about 4 years now. You want 3000kW, so your price will go up, maybe $2000 for the equipment, and then you just add installation costs if you’re doing grid-tie.
You can call around and see if the handymen in your area know how to do installation for a reasonable fee if you don’t want to do it yourself, but a surplus solar depot is the way to get cheap, quality solar.
You mean to tell me a country who’s entire luxury lifestyle is based almost solely off of oil money has a vested interest in keeping that money flowing no matter the ethical implications?? - colour me shocked!
The infuriating thing is not that Saudis are doing this. The infuriating part is that the west still treats then like allies and protects them.
If politicians threaten Saudi Arabia’s interests, they cut production just before an election, and dumb voters blame the government trying to curtail their influence.
So you can blame western governments, but western voters are just as much to blame.
It’s not wrong. Voters need to demand an infrastructure and options that allow them to not compromise their values when leading a normal life.
You mean to tell me that countries who buy the products have issue when their suppliers sell to other people?
If they UK have issue with fossil fuels they should actual act instead of pertending to care about global warming when the saudi tried to sell a product, and at the same time not doing anything to reduce their emissions.
In fact about 12 or something UK companies sign gas extraction deals with Isreal three weeks ago from the shores of Gaza…
You don’t see a title: Isreal (hook) UK gas companies with (multi billion deal).