At visiting my parent’s this holiday weekend I tired to gently tell my parents that their coffee brew is very bitter. The response I get back is something like, " I like it strong."
I wasn’t too sure how to respond, but then they told me my coffee is to watery. 🤔 I told them it’s not that is watery, but it’s a light roast and not bitter tasting.
So my question is how do you convince someone that bitter coffee is not good coffee? I might bring my scale next time to help measure and perfect the coffee brew there. Maybe even see about cleaning their been grinder, which I think has never been cleaned.
Oh well.
Update: Thanks for all the tips and thoughts. I agree with basically everything posted here and sorry no butter (I fixed the title)
Simple. Give them a well-extracted shot of straight up espresso. Pick a natural process, fruity East African kinda thing.
I think you may be SOL.
If they like coffee this way, that may just be that. And it’s okay. By all means try making them a proper cup of a nice dark roast, but at the end of the day, if they’ve come to expect bitterness outta their morning cup, you ain’t gonna satisfy the habit with something that ain’t terribly bitter.
Simple, just respect their taste. I had friends who grew up with instant coffee and they hated even the best brewed coffet I could make…
I once bought my Dad some nice expensive freshly roasted coffee to try and help him experience something better. I was shocked a couple weeks later when he told me it “didn’t have enough kick” so he was adding cheap espresso grounds to it when he would make it. I gave up on that right there because no amount of logic was going to get through that one.
Catering for years I found that the older the guests were, they really didnt care about the taste as long as it was piping hot! Live and let live.
People have different preferences. That’s why light and dark roasts exist. Learn to enjoy more than just your favorite, and encourage others to do the same. Don’t take it personally when someone doesn’t like what you like, and don’t be afraid to state your own preferences. If their coffee is too bitter for you to drink, add a tablespoon or two of water
But yes, clean the grinder.