Im finally going to collage after a year break dealing with personal health issues, whats yours ?
Get fitter, cut down on the self medication.
Trying to convince my parents that it’s totalling cool that I have to take another year of college because I failed differential equations and they shouldnt be upset at all or anthing
I’ll be traveling for a year with my girlfriend. We’ve wanted to do it for years. Finally saved up enough. Starting with a few months in China. Can’t wait to eat everything. Also I get to put all my Chinese into practice.
maybe stop drinking depending on how the year goes
Buying a house is something that’s been on my list for a while and something I have been seriously looking at it recently. The mortgage wouldn’t be an issue (in fact, less than my current rent) but the down payment is rough. It doesn’t help that even as a permanent resident, banks are reluctant to issue loans to anyone with a foreign name.
Somewhat related to that would be adopting a dog once I can have one again. I love my snakes but living in a place that allows dogs again would be great.