Does it count as being patient with Baldur’s Gate 3 if I ignored everything about it during Early Access and bought it a day after the official, finalized, release? 🤔
I remember seeing nothing but hate when it first came out in EA and thought it was just another reboot flop. 3 years later, and it’s the best fucking RPG in over a decade. Not sure if those initial players were overzealous, or if 3 years development time made the difference. Possibly a bit of both.
Patient usually means years after release. Generally, the benefit is getting it with a heavy discount or having hardware better suited to run it (again for the reduced price). Also tends to weed out bad games that get hyped up and gives you the benefit of others’ hindsight with reviews.
Considering “release day” to be patient just normalizes incomplete games being the typical product.
I’m not seeing The Long Dark.
Space Haven
Looks a lot like my list.
I don’t understand the planet growth mechanics in Stellaris. So the game speed is never an issue for me. I always just get confused eventually and stop playing.
In my last game, the Ilhome cluster event with those fanatic purifiers happened, and I was playing some militarist, communist space cacti. I had refugees welcome as the fanatical purifiers captured a quarter of the galaxy. Then I declared war on them and quickly overwhelmed them, since they had overextended. During the 10 years of peace after the war, I was constantly busy ordering new districts and buildings build, so much that I regularly ran out of minerals, despite buying 1000 minerals each month.
So basically, late game there’s too much paperwork for the turbo setting.
I literally only play on slow, and I can barely keep up with my notifications. How do you people live?