We need more good suicidal guys with guns to stop bad suicidal guys with guns.
Another example of:
A gun is way more likely to be used on a member of your household than in defence of that household.
Owning Guns Puts People in Your Home at Greater Risk of Being Killed, New Study Shows
The Myth Behind Defensive Gun Ownership
People in homes with handguns more likely to be shot dead, major study finds
I got downvoted real bad when I pointed this out to someone who said “making guns illegal just takes them away from people who need to defend themselves.”
The defense excuse of gun ownership is a myth. It causes way more harm than good.
That aside: the easier it is for good guys to get a gun, the easier it is for bad guys too.
And: where does that idea of a good guy stopping a bad guy come from even? If the bad guy is the better shoot, he still wins the fight. If he catches the good guy by surprise (which is likely given that bad acts are an action and not a reaction), he also has the upper hand.
So more guns solves exactly nothing, it only increases risks everywhere.
Legalize doctor assisted suicide. Let people end their lives with dignity.
Yeah but I’m not so sure we should be allowing people to make that choice on a whim because they’re depressed or feeling down at the time. Humans are wildly impulsive sometimes.
They’re not drive thru places. Typically you have to go thru counseling and thru evaluations to make sure it’s what you want. But right now people are just buying guns to blow their heads off and leaving their body for first responders or their family to find. People are always going to kill themselves, you might as well make it a clean and dignified end.
No one is suggesting a Futurama style suicide booth on the side of the road my man.
Why? What’s the offensive part of that?
Is it how accessible it is? Because for millions of American households, needing to venture out into public is less accessible than the firearm of their nearest “responsible gun owner”.
Is it that a company makes a small profit from each suicide? Because the guns used in all these suicides aren’t given away for free.
Way back in 1999 when this episode first aired, the joke was that phone booths have been replaced by suicide booths, a joke written when the Nokia 5110 was a flagship phone.
But of course, 25ish years later, neither phone booths nor suicide booths are anywhere to be found because they simply can’t match the convenience of the phone in your pocket or the gun in your drawer.
On topic: Dignity includes being able to determine one’s own end. However, it is difficult to find a regulation that excludes knee-jerk reactions and external influence in the decision.
A distinction should also be made here between different forms of temporary mental problems and fatal physical illnesses as a reason for ending the own life.
That’s why I’m not sure what I would support here.
Why not? That’s the logical conclusion.
Assisted suicide requires that one’s desire takes preeminence over any future value of existence and that society has a responsibility to satisfy this desire.
Adding a restriction on when you are allowed to assist in it (besides purely the subject’s immediate desire) is special pleading. This is why MAID in Canada is slippery sloping into euthanasia for all and any reason, because there is no actual barrier to it after they accepted the initial premises.
Who would use it when they have pro-gun assisted suicide?
For doctor-assisted suicide, you need to be over 18 anywhere it’s available.
But for pro-gun suicide, children only need a “responsible gun owner” in the house with a poorly secured firearm, thanks to their staunch opposition of safe storage laws and need to be 3 second from a gun at all times.
For doctor-assisted suicide, you generally need to be terminally ill first and undergo a psychological evaluation to ensure you’re mentally capable of making an informed decision.
But for pro-gun suicide, you can kill yourself without even the most token effort to cure your mental health problems, thanks to their staunch opposition to red flag laws. Their only requirement is “not a felon” and they even ensure you can get around it with a private sale loophole.
For doctor-assisted suicide, you usually need the approval of two doctors, both of which have years of medical school to pay off and neither of which your sleazy insurance company will want to pay for.
But for pro-gun suicide, a cheap handgun can be yours for under $200, because that’s what someones life is worth to them.
For doctor-assisted suicide, you will usually have a minimum waiting period between your first and second requests, to ensure you’re not making an impulsive decision.
But for pro-gun suicide, you can do it on a whim. Even if you haven’t surrounded yourself with super cool guns already, the waiting period is typically only a few days and if you’re lucky enough to live in a pro-gun state, there might be no minimum waiting period at all.
For doctor-assisted suicide, the medication is very deliberately dispensed to ensure there is no danger to anybody else.
But for pro-gun suicide, take all the people you want with you when you go. Family members, a room full of terrified children, a bunch of minorities some Discord channel insisted were the reason your life sucks – the pro-gun community don’t even pretend to care, let alone do something about it.
Ultimately, doctors just can’t compete with the cheap, accessible, fast and poorly considered suicides offered by American gun laws. Why else do you think they’ve skyrocketed?
Because it’s definitely not because terminally ill people are deciding to end their life without the dignity of keeping their brains inside their skull – an idea that is so thoroughly stupid that I’m having a hard time believing your intention is anything more than simply making the statistics around firearms look better.
Late stage capitalism is alienating. Many people are faced with the reality that there’s little point to live when your only purpose is to be a wage slave for billionaires. There are no prospects of owning a home or being comfortable ever unless you’re born into wealth or willing to exploit others and put them into bad situations just so you can have a bit of comfort.
No, othering people is alienating. And this is by no means a partisan issue because almost everybody does it.
Democrats: “it’s the Republicans’ fault, they’re evil”
Republicans: “it’s the Democrats’ fault, they’re evil”
Communists: “it’s rich people’s fault, they’re evil”
Capitalists: “it’s poor people’s fault, they’re lazy”
Women: “it’s men’s fault, they’re evil”
Men: “it’s women’s fault, they’re evil”
The more you keep blaming other people for everything that’s wrong with the world, the more you end up isolating yourself and retreating into your own bubble. You might think things would be better if you only spend with people who think like you and who validate your complaints and feelings, but in fact, that only serves to increase your alienation because it increases the gap between you and those “others”.
It’s been about a quarter century since I’ve spent meaningful time with a billionaire, and I’d wager that few here have been that close. What does alienating ourselves from the world’s ~2,700 billionaires ,who already lock the world out and work to escape to other planets by explaining out why they’re the problem cost us, exactly?
Remember folks, don’t criticise Nazis - you’ll alienate yourself from them, and that’s bad.
“Means Matter”
Reducing access to more lethal means of suicide reduces deaths by suicide in a population. The data on this is unequivocal.
That’s because the majority of suicidal crises are spontaneous and of absurdly short duration, on the order of around 20 minutes. If you interrupt the process between decision and action, people survive. And 90% of people who survive a suicide attempt never go on to die by suicide at any future point in their lives.