Im tired of having to spend thousands of hours to stand a chance against others, im tired of video games turning into a second job. Im tired of playing against sweatlords who systematically abuse every single exploit they know of to ruin servers and destroy people’s fun. Im tired that every new game has to be an esport now. Im tired.
So yeah im fully done with mp games. However i still like games, and recently i realised i basically only enjoy singleplayer games. So yeah, Anyone got good/niche/unknown singleplayer game recommendations?
EDIT: im an idiot i didnt specify what sort of games i enjoy lol. Sadly ive already played disco elysium, i actually got 100% on it on steam, hah.
Recently I played Control, and i consider that title to be one of the best games ever made, so i really enjoy that kind of game but oddly the RE4 remake that resembles Control bored me so bad I turned it off 2 hours in. Basically I really enjoy shooters and games woth very strong narratives.
But my favorite game by far has to be RE:Village, that game blew my tiny mind, everything about it was amazing, the impeccable art direction, the gunplay, the enemies and the story, just . But by far the greatest thing about that game was the winter mood, i played it in the dead of winter and love the season, it genuinely shaped my expectation of what video games should be like. I also had a lot of fun hunting treasures and prizes down.
I was having a big argument with someone last night. They were defending all the “progression” bullshit and I was just yelling “BACK IN MY DAY THE ROCKET LAUNCHER AND QUAD DAMAGE WEREN’T TIME GATED AND IT WAS BETTER” over and over again.
It’s all bullshit now. You used to be able to just jump in to a server with a community you liked, play a few rounds, chat with your friends. No one was keeping score, no one was grinding to unlock anything, the game wasn’t shoving advertisements in your face every twelve seconds. Instead of having to spend several minutes in matchmaking between every round the game just loaded the next round, in the same server, with the same people.
Nothing was “unlocked” because the concept was bad and anti-competitive and would give some players mechanical advantages so why would any game ever do something like that? You could just use whatever you wanted.
Yeah the quake management of weapons is the best one imo. You want a better gun? Alright bucko, go grab one over there.
Meanwhile bf2042: uuuh just spend 6 hours grinding bots in an empty boring map! Easy dude!
The first game I remember with “progression” was BF2, where htere was an alternate weapon for each class. I was totally befuddled as to why it was there and why you’d want to “unlock” them. I’ve already got the gun that is good for my class, what am I going to do with two guns?
I prefer the rs2 approach where the best gun is an early ww2 rifle made out of wood lol, Mas49 for life
No one was keeping score,
I hate this shit the most. All the stat tracking bullshit plays right into my neuroses. If I play “for fun”, the experience is always hampered by the nagging voice in my head going “this will lower your W/L and you might get judged”. Ugh, fuck off.
One of the annoying things about playing MP games is seeing the racist usernames and getting misgendered constantly. Like the communities always just suck
Oddly enough the most progressive community i was a part of was bf4 server i uses to play on that had a massive slur filter which automatically booted you permanently if you typed one in chat. since it was popular, it had a discord, where chuds would come to try and haggle with the owners to get unbanned. I started playing and seeding when the server has just started, and eventually got a trusted role and became a mod and friends with the owner and staff. That was probably the best gaming community i interacted with, eventually misgendering also became bannable when the owner added a pronoun script. Unfortunately bf2042 release broke custom server scripting for bf4, so the owner decided to shut down.
It was, we had very strict farming limits to cut down vehicle kills and people leaving, and we also had what we called Pentagon budget cut nights, conquest maps without vehicles. Well, actually each team had one jeep to their name and otherwise all you had were your two legs. This made us extremely popular since most people would get frankly really tired of vehicle tryhards amassing kills (although im guilty of this, I had thousands of hours in helicopters), and driving like a maniac in a jeep with two friends in the middle of panicking enemy infantry was hilarious, even more so when the enemy jeep eventually chased you down. Fuck i really miss that server.
currently playing through control, I’m loving the atmosphere and the story so far but I’ll be honest, getting tired of all the combat 😅 kinda wish there was more puzzle solving or more moments of downtime, considering some of the fights are just frustrating
but I’m a sucker for all things spooky government conspiracy so I’m still playing, albeit with modified difficulty so the combat goes by a bit quicker haha
no clue if its up your alley, but I’ll always take a chance like this to plug Outer Wilds, some of the best written gaming I’ve ever had a chance to play honestly, albeit not quite as direct in its narrative focus as something like Control
Outer Wilds
One of the best games ever. It’s a shame you can only truly play it once.
i wish Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind was real but you can only erase the memory of playing Outer Wilds for the first time
Yeah im saving outer wilds for a vacation so I can slowly play it and enjoy it over a few days. I hope I enjoy it as much as others seem to.
I admit I also used the cheats to skip annoying combat encounters sometimes lol, however I actually really like the combat, the gunplay feels really good (the charge modification is probably one of my favorite game’s gun)
In case you haven’t tried them, “semi-realistic” multiplayer shooters are a good middle ground. Games like Rising Storm 2 or Hell Let Loose (haven’t tried that one, but it looks good).
They have no esport interest, so people only play them to have fun, and the people playing are usually older. They have a lot of depth to them too, since the gameplay can be very asymmetrical.
As far as singleplayer game recommendations, try Prey (2017). I bounced off it at first, then came back later and it became one of my favorite games of all time.
I sunk 300 hours in rising storm 2 vietnam, I did love that game for a while but alas I found it still suffered the same woes of more traditional fps games: sweaty nerds, casual racism and insufferable rat playstyles designed to snuff out fun and maximise score.
I was legit glad to uninstall that game because it got absolutely insufferable to play for me after a while.
I had a lot of fun on RS2. None of that bullet sponge bullshit. One lucky round to a torso and it doesn’t matter if your target is the top enemy player on the score card. He’s fuckin toast.
Unfortunately on rs2 vietnam the top players fucking memorize spawn points, prone in a bush and mow you down 30 times in a row while you struggle to guess what bush theyre in while your team loses the round. Fuck that shit.
Yeah, by now that’s definitely the case. There was a real nice period when the community was pushing out a ton of custom naps that kept the experience fresh because those types hadn’t memorized all the good spots. All good things must come to an end, I suppose.
If you like control, have you played Alan wake and Alan wake 2? They’re in the same universe.