I feel like my house is constantly a fucking mess. My wife and I work 80 hours between us and we have a 2 year old and I feel like it’s constantly a mess.
We do what we can and often spend a couple hours on a weekend tidying but it’s a losing battle.
How do you cope/keep on top of things?
No, I don’t struggle, because I feel no compulsion to keep it tidy in the first place :)
My wife and I got the idea that our home is cluttered and messy because we have not one, but two toddlers. Twins. Not so much because of the mess they make (although that certainly adds to it), but because we have zero time to deal with it while they are awake, and when they finally sleep we are completely EXHAUSTED.
But reading these comments from parents of single children honestly made me feel a lot less bad about it. So thanks for that, fellow clutterers.
Yes. Same situation as you but a 3 year old. I gave up on the stuff my kid yeets everywhere and focus on dishes/kitchen/vacuuming. Then once every couple weeks I go on a rampage and pick up everything when I can’t take it any longer…
Yep. Depression paints in broad strokes and has degraded my ability to clean, keep schedules, etc. Not fun.
Similar hours, no kids but 2 dogs and 2 cats.
A Roomba and a housekeeper once a month to do the big things (dust, bathrooms, floors). Worth every penny.
I think having an isolated area for kids toys or an easy to dump bucket to throw everything in would probably help the chaos that I see in other parents’ homes but as a childfree person I’m the last who should give advice on that so feel free to laugh and ignore that idea.