In the kitchen it hums with delight,
A mischievous microwave, quite a sight.
With a twist of its dial, a dance begins,
Uneven warmth, where chaos wins.
With a flicker and a sarcastic hum,
Microwave, oh marvel, where chaos is spun.
A promise of warmth, a comedic jest,
In your reheating quest, you give us the rest.
Wavelengths oh do cancel when a crest and a trough
Do meet one another and, energy, not enough
Yet center the plate, or a bowl, it’s your choice
So the food spins round the high points and molecules, excited, rejoice
“How about I just heat the plate instead dipshit?”
If your food is unevenly heated it’s probably because you need to adjust the cook time and power settings. Heating it longer at a lower power setting will let the heat spread more evenly.
Alternatively, check your microwave’s wattage. I always have to adjust microwave instructions to be about 10% longer because my apartment’s microwave is weaker than companies assume the standard microwave is.
✨ May better heated microwave food await you ✨
Except the food has localized concentrations of oil, fat or water or differences on overall density.
That’s why you lower the power. Leave enough time for entropy to distribute the heat before dumping more energy into the food. The more heterogenous the food is, the more you need to lower the power (down to maybe even 200-400 W for mixed leftovers). And make sure all your foodstuffs are touching each other to allow heat to homogenize.
Microwave ovens were a tech ahead of their time. It’s crazy how incredibly little these have evolved though decade after decade.