It will be open source, end to end encrypted using Signal’s double ratchet encryption protocol, and he plans to make it easy for fediverse platforms to integrate it. The beta will release later this month.
He’s also the creator of btw
This is good.
It really is. In the past a new messenger or Plattform was always annoying as it inevitable meant, how can I get my friends to use this. But with activity pub it doesn’t matter anymore. Everbody can use the fediverse software of his taste and we can still all be interconnected. What a relieve. So many software solutions can compete against each other without us having always to start from zero. Brave new world.
Your link,,%20similar%20to%20whatsapp,%20made%20by%20pixelfed.%20%20The%20beta%20will%20be%20launching%20later%20this%20month,%20and%20btw%20most%20fediverse%20accounts%20will%20work,%20not%20just%20Pixelfed%20%F0%9F%98%89
is broken. I think you accidentally copied the body text as well. Cleaning up the link results in, which works fine.
I just saw this on Mastodon and was about to post it here. 😄
Pretty cool idea. Though I’m not looking forward to trying to convince my friends to switch to yet another new platform. 😂
Im mainly looking forward to it replacing the “DMs” of mastodon and lemmy.
I’ve not been on either platform long enough to use the DMs, but this is a good point.
After all, DMs aren’t actually private on either platform, as far as I’m aware.
If they’re not end to end encrypted, your messages are not actually private on any platform.
It’s a bit more obvious in the Fediverse than elsewhere, as direct messages are generally stored on two separate servers (sender and receiver). Furthermore each server tends to be smaller: if Zuckerberg decides to go through people’s DMs it’s unlikely to affect any particular Facebook user, but if the owner of a Mastodon instance does the same it’s small enough that she could actually get an overview. It’s mostly a false sense of security embedded in larger services, but people are all about having a false sense of security.
DMs aren’t actually private on either platform, as far as I’m aware.
“Private” is not really a binary concept.
They’re “private” in the sense that no one can see them other than the participants and the server admin (if they really wanted to).
They’re not private in the sense that they can be hacked and leaked, or subpoenaed.
Right now I just think about me and how I’ll use it. I’m eager to try this messaging app to have a way of being reachable by like-minded people.
To put it differently, I don’t want to be a slave of others’ choices. I know the network effect is real and that I’m powerless to break it. So I’ll just change my attitude, and embrace this wave. Who knows what will happen? And in the meanwhile, I’ll have fun using what to me seems right.
While I doubt I could get my friends and family on yet ANOTHER messaging app in the year of our lord 2023.
Sup. Is a fucking brilliant name.
I remember idly wondering how DMs worked in Lemmy, and I was kinda shocked when I realized they aren’t secure.
“secure” is relative. They may not be e2e encrypted, but they are still encrypted via TLS, like any HTTPS traffic. It’s the same encryption used for online banking. If you care about your instance admin being able to read your messages, you should use Signal or a Matrix client though.
But remember that only a few years ago, almost nobody used e2e encryption, and it wasn’t much of an issue.
I personally hate the name, but only because I had a roommate in college who would start every conversation with “sup.”
On text messages, IMs, in person, you name it. It really started to get under my skin.
But I hope the software is good.
Yep. That’s what he’d do. So basically he’d always want you to start the conversation.