I hoped for Barclay but it’s Beverly Crusher.
Underrated? More like boring and uninspired character. She was almost as annoying as her son on the show.
I’m watching the first season of TNG now with someone who’s never seen it before. That’s forced me to look at the series with fresh eyes. One thing that strikes me is that TNG took a lot of risks in the beginning to make a new kind of Star Trek. I see the Crushers as one. Some risks didn’t work out as well as others, but Star Trek overall benefited. IMO, it would be edifying revisit Dr. Crusher and see more character growth like in Picard.
Edit: grammar
Wesley’s mom, a main character, was initially going to be the ship’s teacher. They shifted her over to the empty doctor position without changing much about her. Then they made a new teacher who was also changed to be a bridge character, as the ship’s pilot.
While Riker and Troi are adapted from Decker and Ilea, Beverly was more extrapolated from yeomen Colt, Smith, and Rand.
Edit: specifically, their bios were mostly about a potential relationship with the captain, how competent they were (making them reasonable mates for him), and having the “walk of a striptease queen.”
When people talk about “Roddenberrys vision”, they just mean having the horn all the time right?
Crusher? Shes a doctor, not a captain
“All Good Things…”? PIC S3? Hell, she was the ranking officer of the Enterprise-D in “Descent”.
It wouldn’t shock me if the Federation had a fleet of medical ships captained by doctors.
don’t understand Barclay stans.
He was problematic AF and then when he did have confidence, he was always a bit of a dick. And he had the absolute worse combover in starfleet.
I was reeeeeeaaaallly hoping for a Barclay cameo in Picard. Alas, poor Barclay never gets a break.
Barclay’s actor has become a truly odious person in real life –– I don’t think the TNG cast (Stewart in particular) would have agreed to have him on the show.
Yeah, sadly that’s my impression as well. I really like his acting style and remember him especially for this scene. But it’s not easy to separate the artist from his art.
I can’t quite imagine how the TNG -> Picard timeline for her works out given this, presuming this is meant to fit into the same timeline. Can someone who knows the comics universe lay it out?