The only horrors I see here is .webp
Webp is great. Very space efficient, good quality, supports animation, etc.
Any software that doesn’t support it is dumb.
It also makes hosting way easier thanks to the reduced storage, and it loads faster.
Uh, what’s happening here? The post shows no content for me, and clicking on the title only redirects me back to the post itself. Yet other people in the comment section are talking as if there was some specific content here, other than just the title “ravages of socialism”.
Am I missing something here? Is there a malfunction, or did OP edit their post after the fact so that the actual content is just gone?
Oh look… it’s Jordan “please-ignore-all-the-nazis-in-my-fanbase” Peterson.
Obviously, the Russian quack that supposedly broke his brain didn’t make a proper job of it.
Jordan “A WHOLE MONTH?” Peterson?
Jordan “What would we do without men” Peterson?
What a little bitch
I assume the first one is the reference to his absolute bullshit claim that he had a glass of apple juice and then literally did not sleep for a month. And people eat that shit up.
No that was him talking about pride month, exclaiming that a whole month is excessive for such a thing.
Just when I had forgotten that this dude ever existed…