“I’ll tell you a secret, since media is not here. Thank you for not allowing the media in. Look, I’m a Southern Baptist, I don’t wanna get too spooky on you, But, you know, the Lord speaks to your heart.
“The Lord began to wake me up, through this three-week process, in the middle of night to speak to me. The Lord impressed upon my heart a few weeks before this happened that something was going to occur.
“And the Lord very specifically told me in my prayers to prepare, but to wait. At the time, I assumed the Lord was going to choose a new Moses and thank you, Lord, you’re going to allow me to be Aaron to Moses.
“I had this sense that we were going to come to a Red Sea moment in our Republican conference and in the county at large. God had been speaking to me about this, and the Lord told me very clearly to prepare and be ready.
“Ultimately 13 people ran for the post. And the Lord kept telling me to, ‘Wait, wait, wait.’ So I waited, I waited. And then at the end the Lord said, ‘Now step forward.’
“Me? I’m supposed to be Aaron. ‘No,’ the Lord said, ‘Step forward.’” – Mike Johnson, speaking last night to the far-right National Association of Christian Lawmakers.
This man is a true believer. True believers do not compromise anything that goes against what they believe their religion tells them. This man is far more dangerous than Donald Trump, who is simply a grifter and was in it for himself. This guy thinks the gods have ordained him. Anybody who stands against him is going against God, in his own mind.
I wonder what he means by this. You know he’s never read a bible in his life. What does he think Moses represents to the average American?
He absolutely has read his Bible. He has said the Bible is his worldview. He believes that his interpretation of the Bible is the only correct interpretation and he will never compromise on that, because he is a “true believer”.
Moses spoke directly to God and told everyone else what God had said…and Johnson seems to follow that pattern exactly. He thinks God raised him up to “part the sea” between the Biblical Republic sect from the more middle of the road Republicans and of course from the sinful Democrats. He truly wants to use his beliefs to reform our society; he is a religious zealot.
That has made him much more dangerous to the US than Trump.
Fuck this imbecile.
This moron probably believes in Santa in addition to sky daddy. Complete waste of skin.
This is why my personal opinion about religion is the same as my opinion about paranoid schizophrenia, the only difference being that religion is a trained behaviour. Fuck all parents who willingly expose children to brainwashing.
What’s the old saw? “If you talk to God, you’re faithful. If God talks to you, you’re crazy.”
There’s a very fine line between devotion and straight up mental illness. I don’t want anyone who is hearing voices in a position of power over me, I want them in treatment.