An overview of studies which investigate correlations between morality and religious vs. secular / atheist ideologies presented by Phil Zuckerman who is a professor of sociology and secular studies at the Claremont colleges in California, USA.

Summary: Atheists / secular people not only have morals but are even more moral than religious people.

Note: Of course moral is a matter of perspective. In this context we agree that compassion and empathy are our foundations of moral.

16 points

One of those groups tends to be inappropriate around children too…

8 points

And in other news, the sky is blue!

-27 points

Just reading your overview tells me that this is nothing.

The assumption of morality just sums it up. Let’s assume morality is defined by following the word of God, then you have to flip the chart, because under your definition, I’m very moral, but under the other, I’m not.

Most people want to be moral and they’re going to see themselves in their preferred light of morality.

6 points

I wouldn’t say that this is nothing, but I agree with the remaining part of your comment.

Of course this could be flipped (although I wonder how racism for example can be justified under christian teachings). Considering that a large amount of people live by similar moral frameworks which are rooted in emotions like compassion and empathy and even serve as the basis of legislation, I think it’s a meaningful choice of measure.

1 point

I’m guessing I got downvotes because people assumed that I believe that those are not good markers for morality. I agree completely that they are good markers, but setting the definition of X to match what you think and then say “I’m better at x than you because you do it differently!” is not a fair argument.

Leave the word tricks for those who need them.

5 points
Deleted by creator



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