Everyone has their preferences, I would love to hear why you guys prefer using Android!
Sideloading. And I refuse to pay Apple’s insane prices tbh.
I love the iPhone hardware. Especially the mini.
But I really don’t like iOS. Or the lightning connector.
Same thing with Macs.
Overall I think Apple makes gorgeous hardware but the software just isn’t for me.
I always tell people the best phone (or best one iPhone vs Android) is whatever is best for them.
My wife loves her iPhone and everything about it, and that’s okay!
Agreed. Also their hardware and software integration, long term support, and battery when compared to other flagship phones, although the s23 seems to be on par with iPhones this time around.
Anecdotally, I have to say iPhone seems to have terrible battery life. My wife and several friends all have had the last few iPhones and they seem to be charging their phones all the time. At least every night but often during the day as well. My Samsung Galaxy Note 10+ was amazing. Like 1.5 days of battery. Then I got my Google Pixel 6 Pro and 7 Pro and it blew my mind. I go 2+ days on a charge no problem.
I suppose to be fair I use my phone more like I did my BlackBerry back in the day, whereas they all use TikTok and stuff fairly frequently.
Because Android is technically open source and the hardware is free enough that I can install an alternative OS if I want to.
Also, the phones are cheaper and have headphone jacks!
I like the variety of hardware available, and the customization available in the software, especially with third party launchers.
I recently started using Niagra Launcher, love the minimal design it has.
Curious if Niagra affects phone performance? I love the look of it, but my Pixel 3 is aging.
- I can build my own ROM and add any tweaks I want to the source
- Full filesystem access, not the circus act iOS is running with their “file management”
- I can run any browser I want, download any file I want
- I can sideload any app I want, and install open source apps from F-Droid
- I can use projects like ReVanced to install modified apps effortlessly, and don’t have to go through the AltStore/Apple Developer BS to install simple things like uYou
- I can entirely replace my home screen with a different launcher app if I wanted to