Wow, what a bitter man, he wrote it as spitefully as he could. I wonder what is he so bitter about
Tech support calls that amount to wiping someone’s ass for them. I was helping someone setup their new computer and they managed to install spyware while I was using the restroom. Another time, ransomware got onto to someone’s computer and I instructed them to unplug the computer while I made my way over. They plugged in their only backup of office files into the infected computer and all that data also got encrypted.
she maintains a facade of politeness around them, while inwardly dismissing them as too geeky to interact with
Reeks of “incel” attitude.
TL;DR? Why not just go watch another five second video of a kitten with its head in a toilet roll, or a 140 character description of a meal your friend just stuffed in their mouth. “nom nom”. This blog post is not for you.
Well played Blogger. Well played.
To me, it just came across as petulant. Ironically, the “conclusion” was basically a TLDR for anyone interested.
This is some “I am very smart and sexy” cringe.
I remember this article. It’s the reason why I now have a laptop prepared and ready to give my son for his fifth birthday.