Jim just wants to find out the secret to Chris’ hair regimen.
It has been two weeks, and i just need to come back and state for the record. I desperately want Chris Pike hair. This is no longer Anson Mount envy. I straight up want Pike hair.
That is all. Make it so.
Edit, but also many props to Mount. He made Pike sexy and desirable in ways he will never know. Thanks for making me doubt myself Mount. Well played.
My head canon: Pike knows his days are limited. He’s raising a successor as first officer if Una takes command, or potentially a new captain. This way he can get to know the ship and the crew, and they can get to know him.
I just happened to be in the quadrant, and I thought I’d swing by and try to shag your women… er study that anomaly ?
This is the first time in the “true” timeline we’ve seen Jim Kirk, other than in a voice call with La’an. The previous two instances were from alternate timelines thanks to the Klingon time monks and a fallen Department of Temporal Investigations officer.