Day 18: Lavaduct Lagoon

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  • Keep top level comments as only solutions, if you want to say something other than a solution put it in a new post. (replies to comments can be whatever)
  • You can send code in code blocks by using three backticks, the code, and then three backticks or use something such as if you prefer sending it through a URL


3 points


0.09 line-seconds (third simplest after days 6 and 2).

from .solver import Solver

class Day18(Solver):

  def __init__(self):

  def presolve(self, input: str):
    self.lines = input.splitlines()

  def solve_first_star(self):
    commands = []
    for line in self.lines:
      direction, distance, *_ = line.split(' ')
      commands.append((direction, int(distance)))
    return self._solve(commands)

  def solve_second_star(self):
    commands = []
    for line in self.lines:
      _, _, command = line.split(' ')
      distance = int(command[2:-2], 16)
      direction = ('R', 'D', 'L', 'U')[int(command[-2])]
      commands.append((direction, distance))
    return self._solve(commands)

  def _solve(self, commands: list[tuple[str, int]]):
    points: list[tuple[int, int]] = [(0, 0)]
    perimeter_integer_points = 1
    x, y = 0, 0
    for direction, distance in commands:
      dx, dy = {'R': (1, 0), 'L': (-1, 0), 'U': (0, -1), 'D': (0, 1)}[direction]
      x, y = x + dx * distance, y + dy * distance
      perimeter_integer_points += distance
      points.append((x, y))
    last_x, last_y = points[-1]
    perimeter_integer_points += abs(last_x) + abs(last_y) - 1
    area_x2 = sum((points[i][1] + points[(i+1) % len(points)][1]) *
                  (points[i][0] - points[(i+1) % len(points)][0])
                  for i in range(len(points)))
    interior_integer_points = (area_x2 - perimeter_integer_points) // 2 + 1
    return interior_integer_points + perimeter_integer_points
2 points


use std::fs;
use std::path::PathBuf;

use clap::Parser;

#[command(author, version, about, long_about = None)]
struct Cli {
    /// A file containing the input
    input_file: PathBuf,

    #[arg(short, long)]
    part: Option,

fn main() {
    // Parse CLI arguments
    let cli = Cli::parse();

    // Read file
    let input_text = fs::read_to_string(&cli.input_file)
        .expect(format!("File \"{}\" not found", cli.input_file.display()).as_str());

    let (run_part_1, run_part_2) = if let Some(part) = cli.part {
        match part {
            1 => (true, false),
            2 => (false, true),
            _ => unimplemented!(),
    } else {
        (true, true)
    let (it1, it2) = preprocess(&input_text);

    if run_part_1 {
        let solution = solve(it1);
        println!("Part 1: {solution}");
    if run_part_2 {
        let solution = solve(it2);
        println!("Part 2: {solution}");

/// Preprocessing for solving
/// Extracts important information from the input
/// `part` specifies which part to preprocess for.
/// Returns a vector for each part containing a direction and amount
fn preprocess(input: &str) -> (Vec<((isize, isize), isize)>, Vec<((isize, isize), isize)>) {
    let it = input.lines().map(|l| {
        let line: Vec<_> = l.split(' ').collect();
        let direction: char = line[0].chars().nth(0).unwrap();
        let amount: isize = line[1].parse().unwrap();
        let color: &str = &line[2][2..8];

        let direction = match direction {
            'R' => (1, 0),
            'L' => (-1, 0),
            'U' => (0, 1),
            'D' => (0, -1),
            _ => unreachable!(),

        ((direction, amount), {
            let amount: isize = isize::from_str_radix(&color[..5], 16).unwrap();
            let direction = match &color[5..] {
                "0" => (1, 0),
                "1" => (0, -1),
                "2" => (-1, 0),
                "3" => (0, 1),
                _ => unreachable!(),
            (direction, amount)

    let it1 = it.clone().map(|(i1, _i2)| i1).collect();
    let it2 =|(_i1, i2)| i2).collect();

    (it1, it2)

/// Finds the area using the shoelace formula
fn solve(it: Vec<((isize, isize), isize)>) -> isize {
    // Get coordinates from it
    let mut coords: Vec<(isize, isize)> = Vec::with_capacity(it.len() + 1);

    // Start at (0, 0)
    coords.push((0, 0)); // Needs to be at both begining and end
    let (mut x, mut y) = (0, 0);

    let mut perimeter_length = 0;

    // Compute and add the coords
    for (direction, amount) in it {
        let translation = (direction.0 * amount, direction.1 * amount);
        x += translation.0;
        y += translation.1;

        coords.push((x, y));
        perimeter_length += amount;

    // Should end where it started
    assert_eq!(coords.last().unwrap(), &(0, 0));

    // Shoelace formula
    let a = coords
        .map(|((x1, y1), (x2, y2))| (x1 * y2) - (x2 * y1))
        / 2;

    // Found by drawing, then trial and error
    // Shoelace area missing 1/2 of perimeter
    // Inside and outside corners cancel out except for one
    a.abs() + perimeter_length / 2 + 1
Yay math!
2 points


I am not making good time on these anymore.

For part 1, I walked through the dig plan instructions, keeping track of the highest and lowest x and y values reached, and used those to create a character grid, with an extra 1 tile border around it. Walked the instructions again to plot out the trench with #, flood-filled the exterior with O, and then counted the non-O tiles. Sort of similar to the pipe maze problem.

This approach wouldn’t have been viable for part 2, due to the scale of the numbers involved. Instead I counted the number of left and right turns in the trench to determine whether it was being dug in a clockwise or counterclockwise direction, and assumed that there were no intersections. I then made a polygon that followed the outer edge of the trench. Wherever there was a run of 3 inward turns in a row, that meant there was a rectangular protrusion that could be chopped off of the main polygon. Repeatedly chopping these off eventually turns the polygon into a rectangle, so it’s just a matter of adding up the area of each. This worked great for the example input.

Unfortunately when I ran it on the actual input, I ran out of sets of inward turns early, leaving an “inside out” polygon. I thought this meant that the input must have intersections in it that I would have to untwist somehow. To keep this short, after a long debugging process I figured out that I was introducing intersections during the chopping process. The chopped regions can have additional trench inside of them, which results in those parts ending up outside of the reduced polygon. I solved this by chopping off the narrowest protrusions first.

2 points
1 point

Good job on persevering with this one. Your approach for part 2 sounds quite viable, it is very similar to the Ear clipping method for triangulating a polygon.

1 point

Yeah, I read up on ear clipping for a small game dev project a while back, though I don’t remember if I actually ended up using it. So my solution is inspired by what I remember of that.

2 points


Fun and interesting puzzle! In part 1 I fumbled a bit trying to implement even/odd outside/inside tracking before realizing that wouldn’t work for this shape and just did the flood fill.

For part 2 I correctly guessed that like the intersecting cuboids (2021 day 22) it would be about finding a better representation for the grid or avoiding representing it entirely. Long story shorter:

 * Conceptually: the raw map, which is too large to fit directly in
 * memory for part 2, is made much smaller by collapsing (and counting)
 * identical rows and columns. Another way to look it at is that a grid
 * is fitted to make 'opaque' cells.
 *                                           |   |#|##|#
 * For example:                             -+---+-+--+-
 *                                          #|###|#|  |#
 *       ####               ### 1           -+---+-+--+-
 *   #####  #             ### # 1           #|   | |  |#
 *   #      #   becomes   #   # 2     or:   #|   | |  |#
 *   #      #             ##### 1           -+---+-+--+-
 *   ########             13121             #|###|#|##|#
 * To avoid a lot of complex work, instead of actually collapsing and
 * splitting rows and columns, we first generate the wall rectangles and
 * collect the unique X and Y coordinates. Those are locations of our
 * virtual grid lines.

Despite being quite happy with this solution, I couldn’t help but notice the brevity and simplicity of the other solutions here. Gonna have a look what’s happening there and see if I can try that approach too.

(Got bitten by a nasty overflow btw, the list of unique X coordinates was overwriting the list of unique Y coordinates. Oh well, such is the life of a C programmer.)

1 point

Oh, just like day 11! I hadn’t thought of that. I was initially about to try something similar by separating into rectangular regions, as in ear-clipping triangulation. But that would require a lot of iterating, and something about “polygon” and “walking the edges” went ping in my memory…

1 point


Decided to go for a polygon approach for part 1 using the Shoelace formula to calculate the area. This meant part 2 only resulted in larger values, no additional computation.

Code runs in <1ms for part 1 and 2 combined


3 points

Shoelace formula

This would have been really useful to know about. I’ve committed to a certain level of wheel-reinvention for this event unless I get really stuck, but I’m sure it’ll come up again in the future.

2 points

This was actually something I learned for my job, it was nice to be able to apply it here.

I like your commitment to wheel-reinvention, it can be a lot more fun than going for an existing or ‘intended’ approach.

2 points

Yep, I figure it’s good exercise to make me think through the problems thoroughly.


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