A random thought I had. I think the answer is no, but I’m not that certain. Convince me please.
You really want to test the limits of this sub.
I believe the answer is yes. Most vegans are vegans because they don’t want to exploit or harm any other creature. Picking your own nose implies that you consent to that activity and are not being exploited
But you cant be 100% full on real vegan?
Some medicine is made with animal… stuff.
Glue, fertilizers(for growing vegan food…), and much more.
Im not vegan but… i dont think its possible anyway.
Just be nice to the animals and if you can, buy from farms that raise the animals properly (yes these exist, but they are small, and thus more expensive)
I suppose one can’t be 100% vegan without completely going off grid and producing everything themselves. Modern vegetable farming techniques result in a large insect loss. My used car has leather seats. I can’t afford to buy a new one without them. Medicines these days say if they are vegan or not.
There is a large difference between causing rape/child theft/murder (dairy) murder (meat) and accidental insect killings though
No one is, in fact, allowed to do that.
I would hope so since it is pretty impossible not to eat your own boogers. If you don’t know you swallow a lot of mucus, even if you are a serial nose blower, it just goes down your throat from the back of your nose.