At the time I judged her harshly, she was crazy but wasn’t wrong about this.
So… You’re still judging her harshly, despite finding out you were wrong (and decades behind everyone else, which takes some intentional avoidance of the topic, and clearly without taking in to consideration the impact people, well, like you, had on her mental health).
Just realizing this now? The church scandals broke wide open 20 years ago.
We were telling dirty jokes about priests and alter boys when I was a kid in the 80s. It was well known and rampant 20 years BEFORE 20 years ago.
Jeff Dunham even did a joke with Achmed the dead terrorist.
“I like to throw a penny between two Jews and watch them fight to the death. I also do the same with Catholic priests but instead I throw a small boy! The winner has to fight Michael Jackson!”
Hate that Jeff Dunham idiot. Being straight up racist with a puppet is not comedy, no matter how much your racist uncle laughs at his “jokes”
A new priest has to replace another priest who recently retired. As he’s taking confession, the woman on the other side says she sinned because she performed a blowjob. The priest had no idea of the correct penance for this. Just then a young acolyte passes so he leans out of his chair and asks the boy: “how much do they give around here for a blowjob?” The boy promptly answers: “One snicker bar, sir.”
Yeah, that’s the kinda stuff going around in the 80s.
Yeah as a kid in the 70s, it was a known trope. Benny Hill and Monty Python even alluded to it.
Long before the '70s. The British arms manufacturing companies Vickers and Armstrong Whitworth merged in the late 1920s to become Vickers-Armstrongs Limited. Employees of the former Armstrong Whitworth were not happy about the merger and joked about being like choirboys - because they were being buggered by Vickers (i.e. “buggered by vicars”).
She was right to rip up a picture of the pope.
But I think she was wrong to convert to Islam if her priorities were denial of religious tyranny.
Cool People Who Did Cool Stuft did a really good episode on her. Her story is so much more interesting than you would think.
Thanks for sharing this. I’d never heard of this program. Good counterbalance to Behind the Bastards
Remember kids, the church still continues to shuffle pedo priests and is still telling victims to eat shit. The Catholic Church is a corporation, and they only care about money and power, no matter how much their current PR pope spews hollow platitudes, without actually fixing anything.
Empty words from a fake “holy” leader who was elected by a board room of bankers and financiers.
They’re much more powerful than a corporation, though. Can you imagine any ordinary corporation surviving a child molestation scandal like that?