I think that’s exactly what’s happened with Trump, is that deviance has been defined down in the sense that there’s so much focus on, it’s almost like an overload of sorts. The result is, you just don’t see it — it’s almost like he’s kind of normalizing this on some level. Even as outrageous as he can be, it’s been very difficult, I think, for people to maintain a consistent vigilance and see the threat that he represents because it’s kind of overwhelming, really, in many respects.
Precisely why this article shouldn’t exist. This article is normalising the behaviour. Reporton what he does, not what he says.
That’s not what I said.
You can acknowledge the behaviour without reporting on every utterance (which is what he wants).
You said “report what he does not what he says” which is pretty cut and dried. Maybe you meant something different but you didn’t say something different
I don’t think that’s what they’re saying, I think they’re pointing out that Trump says so much and has so much said about him that what he actually does ends up getting swept under all the other news.
Sure those in the know can keep track but the average person is just seeing the headlines as they come - and this article is part of the very same problem that it is pointing out
I think the articles a out him smelling bad or having a piss fetish are stupid articles that don’t need to get any attention. When he paraphrases Hitler? That’s pretty relevant
You can report on the behaviour without breathlessly trotting out every sentence.
The actual story is that Trump is using nazi phrases to stoke furore, generate headlines, and galvanise his base. It’s so tiresome that it’s working so well.
does not help when there are people not allowed to vote and the only other option is to vote biden who immediately went back on campaign promises such as firing staffers who were cannabis users
same person who ran with obama and chained someone to a chair for the sole reason she wanted the same rights as everyone else who was running for president and the same biden who is touting economic wins with a federal minimum wage of $7.25
this has been a problem before trump entered the stage and no trump did not make matters better
maybe the citizens should be allowed to hear from all the candidates and maybe who gets to be on the ballot should a federal issue and stop going state by state in a “united states” of america on every issue
Is this the same Biden that just pardoned a bunch of cannabis users from serving their sentences?
And the same Biden who on 1 Jan 24, nearly half the US states will have their federal min wage raised?
Look, there’s plenty to criticize Biden for, mostly ALL of his Middle East actions (not just Gaza-Israel), but let’s not pretend he’s all bad and hasn’t tried to help his own people domestically.
only what 22 states are getting minimum wage raised
why quarter ass or less everything could have pardoned more but we need the legal slave labor
That’s why I said “nearly half” bruh. We have 50 states in the US and a few territories.
And yes, he didn’t pardon enough people. I will agree with you on that all day. But how many cannabis users did Trump or even Obama pardon from their sentences?
He’s making an attempt despite having a gridlock Congress, and I do commend him for that. That’s why I said “nearly half” bruh. We have 50 states in the US and a few territories.
And yes, he didn’t pardon enough people. I will agree with you on that all day. But how many cannabis users did Trump or even Obama pardon from their sentences?
He’s making an attempt despite having a gridlock Congress, and I do commend him for that.
Edit: I will concede federal minimum wage remaining stagnant at $7.25 does suck though. Biden can’t force one state to raise minimum wage over another. You got me there, that was a state-loving-their-constituents thing, not a Biden thing.
Who is this “expert on extrimism” and why would they think “nobody is paying attention”?
He doesn’t deserve my attention. Not once in his miserable life has he ever said anything worth listening to.
I get that he’s a bigot, a narcissist, an authoritarian, a fascist, a gaping asshole. I don’t need daily reminders of that fact.
If you spend a few nights reading the Wikipedia page for NSDAP and delve futher into research, I feel like you’d change your mind. We need to get vocal before we allow this to happen again. We need to express our anger towards anyone that wants what happened to happen again.
Authoritarians get their power from people who stand on the sidelines. Maybe you aren’t standing on the sidelines, but the constant deluge of worse and worse news is part of the strategy to burn you out and stay home when the election/revolution (depending on how things are going) starts.
This article would be more appropriate for the politics community, since it is an opinion article from the interview of Peter Simi regarding Trump.
I would not consider this as news.
Yeah that’s why newspapers refused to carry editorials, reader letters, and opinion pieces in general, because no one cares what the popular reactions to events are.