The most thought provoking and memorable was Finnegans Wake without doubt, but I really don’t know that I could call it my favourite.
I think that We are Legion, We are Bob - The first of Dennis E Taylor’s Bobiverse books would probably fit the bill. It was certainly the most readable that I have known for a long while.
The Stand by Stephen King was so fun to read. I thought the Kid was the scariest part of the book for sure! Then I watched the 90’s movie of it on YouTube and it’s pretty good.
I can’t decide between Octavia Butler’s trilogy: Lilith’s brood and Andy Weir’s Project Hail Mary I started reading books again only a few months ago, after decades of not really reading anymore. I used to be an obsessive reader back in the day. It’s great to have picked this habit back up.
The only fiction I read this year was Hyperion/Fall off Hyperion and the Old Man’s War series. One was amazing (as it always has been on my multiple reads), and one was pretty ok.
I really enjoyed This is How You Lose The Time War it’s a very touching and unique sapphic romance book filled with subtle world building and fascinating concepts. I’m also finishing upWay of Kings from Sanderson’s The Stormlight Archives and I’m thoroughly enjoying it!