We all have that one game or genre that never gets old and we return to time and time again.
What is it for you and why is that the case?
Older: Command and Conquer Generals. I’ve started playing it with my kid which is fun. Newer: Rocket League. It’s been fun especially when I stop caring about ranking up. It’s just a game and I can play for 10 minutes and walk away.
Open TTD.
Its free.
But its just so cozy and fun. Who doesnt enjoy seeing a train arrive to the new station for the first time?
I dont play it a whole lot at a time… But i do enjoy it every time i get back to it.
Binding of Isaac and Death Stranding. I just keep going back to these 2 even after I’ve 100% them.
Hades is one that I’ll still fire up now and again if I’m not sure what to do. Currently losing my mind at the lack of Hades 2 news.
Factorio for me. There is always some old megafactory to pick up again or a new mod nightmare to try out.