With 2023 being over, it’s time to look back at what your favorite death metal albums released last year were.
My favorite full-lengths from last year:
VoidCeremony - Threads of Unknowing
Sulphur Aeon - Seven Crowns and Seven Seals
Cruciamentum - Obsidian Refractions
Ascended Dead - Evenfall of the Apocalypse
Serpent of Old - Ensemble Under the Dark Sun
Blood Oath - Lost in an Eternal Silence
Ulthar - Anthronomicon
Sepulchral Curse - Abhorrent Dimensions
Disguised Malignance - Entering the Gateways
Majesties - Vast Reaches Unclaimed
My favorite EPs from last year:
Undergang - De syv stadier af fordærv
Hyperdontia - Deranged
StarGazer - Bound by Spells
Lunar Chamber - Shambhallic Vibrations
For me, Goliath, by Kataklysm is tops. Just fucking excellent from start to finish. It kinda makes a lot of the music from 23 pale for me, that’s how much I like it.
Just wanna say how much I appreciate this community for discovering new music, and hope we can get the ball rolling here as far as usership. As a bit of an old head (?), here I am listening to Children of Bodom’s Follow the Reaper and Opeth’s Still Life over and over. Lol