Now that is how you run a proper scam.
Take notes, kids!
The only thing that could make this better is if he was completely AI generated: image, and Voice, everything.
I have to admit, I kind of admire the ballsiness of this scam. It’s a mish mash of Madoff, crypto grifters and holo live in an unholy pursuit of insane wealth.
Maybe he’s just from Canada?
since corporations are legal persons, can a corporation be a CEO?
CEO? No, I think the officer
part requires a human being. But legal entities can own other legal entities. Not sure how deep one can make the rabbit hole go, though.
This is delightful. The whole thing is worth a read, but I want to leave this here.
In 2022, a writer… attempted to raise a red flag, noting that all three of the celebrities (Wozniak, Chuck Norris, and Lance Bass) who endorsed Reece Lewis declined to confirm ever knowing him