They keep raising prices, stating that it’s due to inflation, but then they keep having record profits.

Meanwhile, the average American can barely afford rent or food nowadays.

What are we to do? Vote? I have been but that doesn’t seem to do much since I’m just voting for a representative that makes the actual decisions.

236 points

Cutting back on spending is the only thing I know that works. When consumers don’t buy things, the prices come down.

For groceries this means splurging less, avoiding things you don’t need (drink tea instead of soda, don’t buy snacks and chips). Fruits and vegetables are definitely still cheaper than prepared foods in many cases. Even when frozen. And they can be used to make a meal stretch, along with beans and rice.

Buy cheap bar soap and store brands of basic things.

Coupons aren’t really a thing anymore, but you can use the app for stores like the grocery, Target, Walmart, to “clip” deals and save.

A lot of the high prices right now are just greed. They aren’t tied to actual supply chain or labor issues. A grocery store in France just told PepsiCo to take a hike because their prices were so outrageous.

If you want the government to get involved, I encourage you to write your representatives about enforcing existing anti-trust laws. The mega mergers and buyouts are driving prices up because of less competition. Kroger wants to buy Albertsons for example. That just means more layoffs and higher grocery prices.

Hope this helps.

112 points

The biggest thing is to be aware of how much things should cost, and just refuse to buy them if they’re gouging.

Can I afford $13 for a case of Coca-Cola? Sure, I absolutely can. I can afford $24 a case. I’m just not willing to pay that. That same case was $7 in 2019. You can’t tell me their costs have doubled.

And even if I believed their costs doubled (and I don’t), that doesn’t mean their prices have to double. They’re not entitled to growing percentage profit on a larger number. Just because they made 20% on that $7 case doesn’t mean they deserve 20% on that $13 case. 20% of $7 is $1.40. They could absolutely take $2 profit on $10 and be happy with it. But they won’t. Because people don’t pay attention and they can get away with it.

There are enough barriers to entry and cooperation among would-be competitors that they can charge basically whatever the duck they choose.

22 points

I too choose this man’s duck.

41 points

cutting back spending is hard when it’s one of the main ways to feel joy; you already have to spend on groceries and bills anyway, and it feels that much more stark and grim denying yourself the fun foods and nice convenience items to save like $10, then your rent goes up $50 because they said so, and so what’s the point anyhow…

30 points

This is why I pirate a lot of my media. Aaarrrr.

At the very least I can be entertained while I am cutting expenses.

9 points

You wouldn’t download a can of Poopsi

7 points

I have also found that piracy can scratch my shopping itch without spending any money.

There are other things too. It’ll sound weird but I got into the composting hobby (see: /r/composting ) and for a while I was crazy about getting as much organic material as I could. I’d rake my neighbors leaves, get coffee grounds from cafes, and dumpster dive for cardboard. I’d come home with a good haul and feel that satisfaction of acquiring something. And I was getting exercise and helping the environment in the process. Like I said, weird, but if you get creative you can find ways to have fun without spending money.

5 points

Think of it as a protest then. When they’re charging stupid prices for beef, say “hell no” and eat lentils for a time. It’s all in the attitude. It’s honestly good for us to cut back a bit. If spending money is one’s main way to feel joy then something is wrong to begin with. Time to read a good library book or take more walks for joy. And most of us could stand to eat a little less beef anyway.

3 points

I would highly recommended finding other sources of joy. Buying things has been proven again and again to just give small bursts of happiness that quickly fade, this is the cycle these corporations often feed on.

Look into cheap hobbies you can do. Recovering from getting used to these small hits of joy isn’t always easy, but it will give you back more control of your life. I’m not perfect at this myself but I am much more aware of it and able to say no in the majority of my life.

You could also look into Minimalisim, there are some interesting ideas in there to be adopted, even if you don’t eat the whole pie.

27 points

While I personally do appreciate the level of detail and amount of options provided in this reply, the more straightforward and longer-term solution is to eat the rich.

28 points

Taxing the Rich might help as well.

1 point

Seems to be working in NYC—hopefully it spreads.

-3 points

Nothing more straightforward than hyperbole. /s

3 points

eat in an economic context, and if shit gets bad enough, a literal one as well

16 points

I’m fortunate enough to not be in a position where money is tight for food, but re: beans and rice, I absolutely love my instant pot!

Mexican-style beans are, IMHO, delicious, easy to make, and dirt cheap. I love them, our toddler loves them, and it’s easy on the wallet. Dry beans are really affordable, and a 25lb bag of rice is great to have in the pantry (note: careful with bulk brown rice as I think it can go rancid). A stove and a pot can do both, but an instant pot and a rice cooker makes it so easy.

I also drink a fair amount of coffee, but again, bulk or even just “make coffee at home” is very affordable. A few cups at Starbucks costs the same as a pound of beans (which yields many cups).

10 points

Exactly this. Also try Indian Madras Lentils packets (I get them at Costco), really cheap for a serving and microwavable. Also bulk Indian spice pastes if you can get them cheap enough. Makes the rice+beans gourmet for dirt cheap. And with coffee, I’ve gotten to the point where the biggest cost is actually filters. To help with this I got a reusable mesh filter from Amazon. Works well, easy to clean, and holds up (I’ve used it for over 100 cups now). Then you’re at like 10 - 15¢ / cup if you use bulk coffee mate and sugar.

9 points

I started buying dry beans recently and it has been a complete game changer for me. Same goes for things like rice, potatoes, and oats. My grocery bill is way lower than it used to be, and I haven’t have to skip meals to get through the month in a while. I spend a bit more time cooking now, but I’m a college student with no kids or other major responsibilities, so it’s not a big deal in my case. I’ve honestly started to enjoy cooking, and my roommates are nice about helping me learn.

I dunno why I’m putting all this out there, I guess I’m just happy about it. I grew up hungry, not to the extent that some kids do, but enough that it took a toll. This is the best nourished I’ve been in my life, and the difference it’s made caught me by surprise. I feel better physically, obviously; but I also never realized how much the stress was weighing on me. It’s hard to explain, but I feel like a whole different person without it, y’know?

Sorry for getting off topic. I hope it’s okay if I leave this here for my own sake lol. But yeah! Rice and beans ftw! xD

5 points

Beans, rice, and Instant Pot are the best. Instant Pots are also highly repairable in the unlikely event that they break.

1 point

This is good advice. And I think it helps to think of it as a protest. None of us wants to deprive ourselves, but if they’re charging stupid prices for beef then give them the middle finger and eat lentils for a time. It can be an empowering experience instead of a shameful one if it’s intentional and you can get your whole family bought into the concept.

-6 points

dude, there is no evidence for supply side economics to have ever worked, the price has nothing to do with supply and demand

5 points

This is completely wrong lol

3 points

They’re not really talking about Supply Side Economics. SSE is a macroeconomic theory about cutting taxes in the hopes rich people having more money will invest in the economy and then the money will “trickle down”. You’re right that it doesn’t work.

They’re gesturing at supply and demand having an effect on prices which every economic school I’m aware of agrees about, Marx to Chicago. Supply and demand certainly starts becoming less of a factor in monopolistic and inelastic markets when you don’t have a choice not to buy. In the case of food you can choose to spend less by buying less meat and processed goods. That will have an effect. If not done en mass the effect probably won’t matter. It’s an effective survival strategy though.

I agree they’re not advocating the most effective praxis. I think more effective alternatives like buying clubs and food co-ops would start generating alternative economies. Political advocacy, local and federal could also have an effect but I expect every victory to be rolled back as soon as convenient.

1 point

SSE is larger than just trickle down, and ironically not every school of economics accepts the supply/demand model, and some who do, also criticize it as being dysfunctional

116 points

Voting is necessary but not sufficient.

The big other thing is to build external power. That’s not like militias per se (though with the rising fascism it’s not a bad idea), but rather stuff like gardening, learning to do repairs, and practicing mutual aid. Reduce your and your community’s dependence on the corporations. And make it an issue people around you care about.

26 points

Learning to do repairs yourself has never been easier thanks to YouTube. There’s also a ton of sources for replacement parts online these days, many of which provide repair videos for the more common parts. My dishwasher broke a few months ago; $60 for a new intake pump and a few hours of my time and it’s working as if it’s brand new. My TV died out a little over a year ago; $35 for a new power supply (probably could’ve repaired it for a few bucks if I had just replaced a capacitor or two) and less than an hour of my time and it’s right as rain. Most repair jobs are a lot less daunting than people assume they are.

23 points

Unions! Rising prices are irrelevant when workers are paid fairly.

-24 points

Giving everyone more money will not fix the price of housing, It’ll do the opposite.

20 points

It will partially fix it because part of the problem is wealth inequality; housing is a form of wealth and becomes more out of reach as wealth concentrates away from people. Giving everyone money serves as redistribution.

5 points

No the price of housing is caused by low interest rates and the money printer. This makes companies take out cheap loans and buy all the houses, thus driving up the pricing even more.

4 points

But big daddy government says guns are really bad and only they should have them!!! (jk)

Learning skills like sewing, planting/storing extra food, first aid and knowing how to use a gun isn’t something for crazy bunker dwellers or the Amish. It’s skills that my grandparents knew.

It makes you more resilient and capable, especially in an emergency when supply chains/govt are strained (that’s why the preppers do it). You don’t have to go all Stardew Valley but I think it’s good stuff to know at a basic level.

5 points

Yeah I have mixed feelings about guns because on one hand an armed proletariat is more able to resist, but on the other hand sure seems like easy access to weapons is helping fascists more than anyone else and fuck am I just exhausted by the constant and unyielding gun violence in my country as well as the fact that any weapons that are effective against a larger force on shared turf are illegal for anyone but cops and troops. But antifascists and workers demonstrating our capacity to organize as a militia may make fascists rethink action.

But yeah aside from my rambling as a tired American, these skills aren’t even just for emergencies. Gardening is a hobby that gives food and sometimes drugs as a reward. And it’s healthier stuff, with the added benefit of being in season. Repair skills not only save money, they save the planet and they make you feel more comfortable and capable.

My girlfriend is an Appalachian leftist who does a lot of the prepper stuff because growing up impoverished in a place where that was normal and it’s just useful even now that she’s middle class and out of all that. When you get comfortable with repairs and making stuff you can just turn other people’s stuff they want to get rid of into things you want. You can just make furniture if you have the tools. And yeah it may not look as polished, but it’s often sturdier because you’re not going to use particleboard to build your bed, but companies sure will

1 point

As a non American the gun argument for being able to rebel seems like such an empty argument. Assuming you mod your rifle to full automatic fire you are going up against tanks, jets, drones, artillery, the entire armed forces of one of the strongest military forces on this planet. Ak47s didn’t work out so well for Iraq why do you think you will be different?

1 point

There is an interesting podcast from a few years ago called (if I remember right) “It Could Happen Here: The Second American Civil War”. A war correspondant with experience covering the Syrian civil war takes what he observed there as a thought experiment on what modern civil war might be like on American soil. This was released around 2019 I think.

Basically what you see there is riflemen with drones and improvised explosives make a very effective fighting force when paired with smart gurilla tactics.

Vietnam and Afghanistan were not won by the US. The Soviets didn’t win the Afghan war in the 80s.

In America rural citizens have weapons and experience using them (war, hunting etc) and can easily disrupt logistics to make life hell for an enemy force. Military vehicles are notorious gas hogs and expensive aircraft can be easily destroyed if caught on the ground. Advanced weaponry can be scrounged. And the factories that make them are built here.

I love my country and also see the flaws of it including our polarization. I hate the very idea of any war here under any circumstances. I see it as an incredibly foolish idea, right alongside “just nuke em”. But as the journalist put it, if it came to that we would make “one ass kicker of an insurgency”

But for the record what I was meaning in my initual statement is more for home defense, hunting and so on. Not going against the government but having the capablity to be okay if they can’t get help to you in time. Even the best trained police officer is of little use when they are 10 minutes away from you, which is typical in the US. In that regard it’s logical to us, just like first aid kits and fire extinguishers. And it’s okay if it doesn’t make sense to you.

100 points

Unironically the answer is “shop less.”

Prices on goods rise when demand for goods stays sufficient to support the price going up. The less everyone buys, the less things will cost.

Prices for goods have almost nothing to do with the price of rent, but the mechanisms there are the same - it’s just that you have to encourage building rather than “live somewhere less” because the second option really isn’t tenable, for obvious reasons.

If you want rent to come down, campaign for, vote for, or even run for office to be the candidate that will change zoning laws and encourage building multifamily housing.

11 points

the myth of supply based economics, and other fairytales.

Realistically there is no reason for produce or rent to be increasing in price, there is not any actual reason for the hikes in COL other than “record profits”

6 points

Rent is increasing because there are millions more people but we haven’t built enough housing since the 60s. The US is now 5million houses short, and this shortage is entirely caused by cities preventing construction of everything but single family homes.

“No reason for rent to be increasing”

What a bullshit statement.

6 points

I feel like I also hear that we have a ton of homelessness despite lots of vacant homes, where can I learn more about the nuance of this?

2 points

this shortage is entirely caused by cities preventing construction of everything but single family homes

So I work in a field closely related to this, and the issue is less cities and more banks. The regulations in my city are basically: “if it’s housing, no regulations”. No minimum parking, no maximum density, no height limit, etc etc. But the banks? Won’t finance over ~22 stories. Or over ~200 units. Or parked less than 2:1. So we end up with only these short towers that are 50% parking podiums, where units are expensive AF because they have to pay for $100,000+ of parking per unit, not to mention the astronomical land prices being less diluted.

The only solution is for the city itself to start financing construction (and realistically doing the development themselves too), but that’s never going to happen.

5 points

Realistically there is no reason for produce or rent to be increasing in price, there is not any actual reason for the hikes in COL other than “record profits”

There absolutely is. You think farmers don’t have expenses? At the very least they need to pay employees wage increases to match inflation.

Rent is a different thing entirely and it’s based on what people are willing to pay to live in that area. You can’t charge a California rent in Ohio (unless you’re selling a penthouse apartment) because nobody will pay it.

the myth of supply based economics, and other fairytales.

More quitter talk and apathy just like the other comment of yours I bumped into.

Fact of the matter is, if every 25% of people that normally bought X product stopped and got something else, that brand would drop prices. You can’t make record profits off a 10% price hike if 25% of your sales just vanished.

3 points

There are so many people here ignorant to the basic principals of supply and demand. It’s starting to scare me how willful the ignorance is.

0 points

yet the cost to produce hasn’t gone up in any meaningful metric, and is nowhere even close to the price increase we saw in grocery goods.

rent isn’t much different, there is no shortage of rent, and the (evil leftist word that means you need a house and food to live) Material conditions are the main reason why companies jack p these prices, you can’t just not have a house and not have food

and pointing out that supply side economics in practice has just lead to an oligopoly increased cost of living, an increasing wealth gap, and a new class of super rich that make the fucking Rockefeller look poor. And the theoretical side is literally fairy tale beliefs that make revolutionary communists seem grounded with reality

1 point
Deleted by creator

Cry and hope for a revolution. Since the Supreme Court decided money is speech, we have no power. Representatives don’t care about their constituents unless a message comes with a “charitable donation”. The rich are seemingly immune to laws, but somehow there’s a surplus of money available to fuck over the little guy. This is a failed country of the corporations, and for the corporations.

31 points

Not to promote violence, but I’m afraid nothing is likely to change until people are pushed far enough to do more than hope.

19 points

It’s okay, this is Lemmy, not reddit.

7 points

Unfortunately, many of the people who most heavily dislike the corporate-controlled status quo are feverishly attempting to pass laws to make it harder and more dangerous to do anything other than hope.

2 points

That’s why the media pushes every news about shootings to the top of the front page, they want you to be scared of guns, so they can trick you into giving up your gun rights.

Never give up any rights, period. Rights are not something we get handed out on a frequent basis.

6 points

Violence is skipping a step. A national strike would do more damage to this country in a day than isolated riots in every major city.

60 points

Stop buying their shit. Obviously there’s things you need to live and that’s fine but stop wasting your money and making them rich by buying all the ancillary shit.

18 points

This is the answer. Its simple but not easy. Do you think the average person knows what they’re spending money on each month? And how much? One chick I knew was spending almost $500 a month dining out!! A MONTH!

It is difficult to not have any “fun” purchases tho, nearly impossible imo. But you have to have spending discipline and next to no people have that.

But let’s say everyone stops spending on non essentials, taken to its conclusion that would leave only grocery stores, dr offices, mechanics, and banks left to do business lol maybe a few others.

9 points

But… those places all price gouge too :(.

5 points

Everyone starts growing veggies and fruit, and only buying direct from farmers.

3 points

All are also experiencing higher operating, production costs. Costs that are passed on to the customer.

4 points

For tracking expenses, I use an app called You Need a Budget (YNAB). It’s pretty handy and is great for showing you where all your money goes.


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