“The president has been adamant that we need to restore Roe. It is unfathomable that women today wake up in a country with less rights than their ancestors had years ago,” Fulks said.
Biden has been poised to run on what has been described as the strongest abortion rights platform of any general election candidate as he and his allies look to notch a victory in the first presidential election since Roe v. Wade was overturned in 2022.
Last month, Biden seized on a case in Texas, where a woman, Kate Cox, was denied an abortion despite the risk to her life posed by her pregnancy.
“No woman should be forced to go to court or flee her home state just to receive the health care she needs,” Biden said of the case. “But that is exactly what happened in Texas thanks to Republican elected officials, and it is simply outrageous. This should never happen in America, period.”
Party spent decades not codifying it…
Didn’t fight for Obama’s SC seat, just accepted that the next president would pick it to try and help Clinton…
Took no actions since Roe was overturned…
But we’re supposed to believe next term it’ll be fixed?
They haven’t even held a vote yet so voters will know what Dems are going to vote against it.
Why would anyone take Bidens word on this? Isn’t the safe bet to assume the same thing will happen as the last campaign promises? Meaning as soon as he assumes office Biden will either “look into it” or he’ll say there’s not enough D votes so he can’t try.
And the voters still won’t know if their representatives would actually support party platform.
Please identify the Congressional term that had a pro-choice majority that could have passed federal abortion protections but did not. Do beware of the caveat that up until quite recently, the Democrats had a substantial minority faction of anti-abortion politicians from the south.
No one who’s complained about the Dems apparently just deciding to miss what would be one of their greatest political victories for shits and giggles has ever been able to identify when this would have actually passed, but hey, maybe you’ll be the first one.
The Dems had 2 months of a senate supermajority in the 2008-2010 Senate, with a majority in the House, then still had a majority for the rest of the term in both houses and as president. This was their first trifecta for almost 20 years and didn’t deliver on any of their selling points from the 90s.
By 2008, Democrats were very, very, very deep on the “vote for us, we’re saving abortion” side.
Republicans are objectively worse, but let’s not pretend that the Democrats even make at attempt here.
Democrats are so useless as a collective in Congress that Biden appears left leaning.
And several of those Senators in that supermajority were against abortion rights. I can name them if you actually care.
Mate, I literally warned you against this. Two of those Senators were from god damned Arkansas, one from Indiana, and one from Louisiana. This was not the Democratic Party of the 2020s. Several of them voted for a federal ban on late-term abortions and bans for the use of any federal funding for abortions. Our good friend Joe Manchin was also in that majority.
Please though, do try again. You seemed very confident that this pro-abortion majority definitely existed, so I’ll wait.
Man if only there was some other piece of legislation they got passed during that 2 months… Maybe the largest healthcare overhaul in generations?
Do beware of the caveat that up until quite recently, the Democrats had a substantial minority faction of anti-abortion politicians from the south.
“Before you criticise our dear leaders, take into account the anti-choice people who the leadership actively supported and promoted!”
Every time a conservative democrat runs against a progressive or even a further left liberal, DNC leadership supports the conservative.
The last anti-choice Dem representative, Henry Cuellar, was losing to pro-choice progressive Jessica Cisneros until Nancy Pelosi and Jim Clyburn endorsed him and personally showed up to speak at his rallies.
You’re just obfuscating. Don’t you see? There’s nothing the Democrats could have done!
But elect Biden and he will codify Roe.
Democrats are some dumb mother fuckers lol
Maybe this is not a message for people who vote D, after all what you gonna do, vote for the R lunatics?. Maybe it is for moderate republicans, specially women, that got fucked and now may be looking for an alternative, so Biden spelling it out may give enough incentive for some to vote D.
What good would codifying Roe have done?
Edit: perhaps I should be more specific: what good would attempting to codify Roe have done?
The attempt would have allowed the voting base to identify who voted “nay,” and vote them out. Even if the bill fails, if people scream the names of the representatives and senators that prevented it from passing, well those people would be primaried. That’s why they won’t even hold a vote on something that should be as simple as:
US statute XXXX: All people in the US have the right to reproductive healthcare. No medically approved procedure, treatment, or medicine shall be banned.
They won’t because so much of the country is sick and fucking tired of this issue red herring that anyone that votes against it is very likely to be primaried.
I’ve seen similar arguments for other cases. If Dems do it and not all Dems vote for it, the anti-Dem left says “all Dems are at fault and they’re doing nothing”. If Dems are united behind it but Republicans block it, then it’s “Dems knew the GOP would block it, and they’re doing nothing”. If Dems do it and it passes, but then the courts block it, then it’s “they knew the courts would block it and they’re still doing nothing”. If the Dems do it and it passes, then it’s “that wasn’t important compared to 15 other issues, and they’re still doing nothing”.
It’s a Hobson’s Choice.
If what you want is a list of names, then you can do that without them calling a vote. Go to your representative’s town hall events and ask them their position. If you don’t like their answer, find a primary opponent. Doubly so if you live in a gerrymandered district where Dems will always win (the mathematics of gerrymandering is that you give your opponent safe districts, but fewer than your side has). The Tea Party figured out this formula and it’s one thing the left ought to learn from them.
Codify would have meant drawing it up and adding it to the constitution as a human right. An amendment. The Supreme Court can declare something unconstitutional, but if it is in the amendment, it is what the SC would rule as acceptable. (Not saying it always appears that way these days)
You should look into what it takes to add an amendment to the constitution. Barring civil war, aliens landing on the whitehouse lawn, or similar galvanizing incident, I’m doubtful the US will be unified enough to be capable of passing an amendment to the constitution on ANY topic for ANY purpose during the lifetime of anyone reading this comment, and I’m doubtful we could have done so within at least the past 20 years.
Abortion rights are super fucking important, but frankly, I’ll just settle for “not snatching defeat from the jaws of victory”, which the Democrats are basically world champions at.
He’s working really fucking hard at ensuring his defeat with Netanyahu’s help. I’d be disgusted with his self-sabotage even if I didn’t care about Palestinians.
Literally the only way he could try and lose more voters is to go full beto and tell Americans hes coming for their guns. You can be mad at the fact, but if you deny that that would lose him votes you’re delusional.
If the Democrats could STFU about guns and actually start addressing systemic injustices, abortion rights, the right to repair, they’d crush the Republican party into the dirt while also reducing shootings and taking back ground lost to Reaganism.
But they won’t, because that’s not what the “donors” actually want.
The minute he gets elected “whoops I forgot I can’t do shit without the Senate. Sorry everybody”
I mean, his administration has done lots of things within their power to help protect reproductive rights. You’re not wrong they’d need the senate to codify roe v wade or even be able to get a judge on the supreme court. They’d probably need to end the filibuster to get it through too.
Here’s a summary of some of the executive actions they have taken. https://www.cnn.com/2022/07/08/politics/what-is-in-biden-abortion-executive-order/index.html
His administration has also launched multiple lawsuits across the country trying to protect abortion rights, and defended against Republican lawsuits trying to restrict them further. Having all these federal agencies making rules and regulations trying to support rather than restrict reproductive rights is still important.
So you’re right that he can’t codify roe v wade nationally without senate and house control as well as getting rid of the filibuster or some miracle cooperation by republicans. But all of the executive actions, the resources of the justice department, etc could be used to attack reproductive rights rather than defend them if a republican were to be elected.
I’d argue he may even have gone beyond his power. While I wish he could have done more, an awful lot of what he completed is through executive decision, despite Congress. It seems like he’s had to go way beyond the norm for us as a democracy (while avoiding the craziness on the Trump regime). I only hope he hasn’t planted the seeds to increase authoritarianism, for whenever in the future someone I disagree with inevitably gets elected
Well it won’t feel like “fuck all” when a Republican led FDA revokes authorizations for abortion medications, morning after pills, or maybe even birth control across the country, even in states where it’s legal. Or sends federal law enforcement after doctors and others providing mail order abortion services. Or starts trying to withhold funding from states that supplement Medicaid to cover abortions. Or sues states trying to protect health information from anti abortion and anti trans states who want it to harass them. I mean the list of horrible possibilities goes on. The executive department can’t do everything on its own, congress has the most power, but it is still important on its own. Not to mention needing a president friendly to reproductive rights to sign any bill that manages to get passed, or veto any unfavorable bills.
But seriously, save at least a little vitreol for the political party actively working to restrict reproductive Healthcare rights. If even a handful of Republican members of congress, a single digit percentage, were in favor of protecting reproductive rights, this would all be over yesterday. By all means though primary the crap out of any democrat not strongly supporting reproductive rights enough or not supporting overturning the filibuster to do so, I know I will.
The right says that banning guns and drugs would not help as they would be on the black market. I wonder when they would come to realize the same situation with abortion.
It feels so much like Biden is fucking with us… There’s a whole year left in this term!! You think i don’t see this? You think we’re actually that stupid? I want to at least be lied to less obviously!
God what a slap in the face
I mean, what’s he supposed to do right now? Republicans still control both houses of congress (or, at least, hold enough seats to render both houses impotent). The upcoming congressional elections matter as much as (or potentially more than) the presidential election.
And next term, when the Republicans control both houses of Congress, he also won’t be able to do anything about abortion.
This is why I’ve stopped believing presidential candidates when they say they’re gonna do things. They’re one branch of government, so there’s only so much they could possibly do, and even that will take years.
He had zero issues going around Congress to “sell” weapons to Israel to be used in an o going genocide…
Bonus points:
They “bought” the weapons with American taxpayers money after Biden had just given it to them.
Why can Biden go around Congress for that, but not for what would help Americans?
Because the president can’t create a constitutional amendment. They are not a member of the legislative branch. He can provide emergency military support, being the leader of the executive branch (head of the military)
I don’t agree with what he did, but it is under his perview apparently. Much like he can send our troops to fight for ~90 days before needing congressional approval. Essentially creating a situation that you are already in a war by the time congress can say no
Hes supposed to encourage a floor vote so we can at least find out whos not supporting this and vote them out of congress. But were gonna go into the election without knowing anyone stance, so politicians of both parties can simply claim anything since theres no record.
The leader of each house is Republican, and they control what comes up for a vote. He can encourage all he wants, he has no say in the matter.
what’s he supposed to do right now?
There’s a lot of cases during his presidency where he could do something within his power as president, and go around Congress.
He has shown he has the willpower to do so when he wants to, just not for things i want. There are many things unrelated to this specific case where it has played out that way.
To me, a dumb working stiff, it sure seems like he won’t use his power to help people like me. So he and you will have to excuse me on this case, where he may not even have the power (as you said), for not trusting him when he promises me something he knows i want without even promising that he will succeed.
It is just too cynically timed, and I’ve heard this one before