Behind the Bastards
fun + informative history podcast on awful people and events with a comedic bent
The Dollop Tech Won’t Save Us Citations Needed Pod Save The World Behind The Bastards Stuff You Should Know
Oh No, It’s Ross and Carrie
“the show where we don’t just report on spirituality, fringe science and claims of the paranormal, but take part ourselves. We join religions, undergo alternative medical treatments, and hunt for ghost, goblins, demons, and deities. If it has an extraordinary claim attached to it, we’ll check it out.”
Dead Rabbit Radio, been shamelessly shilling it (not my podcast and I’m not affiliated with it any any way) for the better part of five years. Daily paranormal and weird news episodes and Jason Carpenter doesn’t have all the cringey seriousness that most high strangeness podcasts have.
Dudesy is a fun pod show with Will Sasso and Chad Kultgen. First and only podcast written by and direct by an AI. Don’t break kayfabe, brother.
The Apocalypse Players - A Call of Cthulu TTRPG. Two of my favorite are: Machine Tractor Station Kharkov-37 and A Christmas Inheritance.
The Duncan Trussell Family Hour - Lot of the guests tend to be Buddhist monks, comedians, spiritual gurus, occultists, etc. Ranges from mundane topics to esoteric ones.
Misquoting Jesus with Bart Ehrman and Data Over Dogma - Both discuss the Bible from an academic view. The cultural context behind the Gospels, the biases in each Gospel, the non-canonical gospels
Hi-Phi Nation - Uses stories to talk about philosophical topics. Recommend: Wishes of the Dead, Moral Exploitation, The Morality of War, and the 2 Part Hackademics.
The Cracked Podcast - Generally it’s comedians and journalists talk about various topics. Really good episodes are: 4 Mind-Blowing Truths About America (Made Clear By Baseball), Why Americans Hate The Poor (with David Wong & John Cheese), and Why A New Civil War Will Be Fought By A Thousand Sides.